Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Theory of Biogenesis

(a) Redi’s experiment: Francesco Redi (1668) cooked the flesh until no organisms were left alive and placed it in three separate

Flies entered and laid eggs
that hatched maggots in meat.

Open container


No flies entered and thus no eggs,no
formation of maggots in meat.

Cork-sealed container
No flies entered, no egg and no
formation of maggots in meat.


Gauze-covered container

This experiment confirmed that maggots arise from eggs and not from decaying meat.

(b) Spallanzani’s experiment : Spallanzani (1765) disproved the spontaneous generation of microorganisms.

Infusion is boiled for many
hours to kill all microbes

Flask is open

Flask is sealed

Air with microorganisms
entered the flask

No living organisms appeared

(c) Pasteur’s experiment: Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) performed an experiment that discredited the theory of spontaneous

Air forced out
from open end

Open end

After long time

Dust and microorganisms
trapped in bent neck

Liquid broth
cooled slowly

Liquid broth remains
sterile indefinitely

Liquid broth is
by heating

Neck of flask bent
into S-shaped

Non-sterile broth
poured into flask
with long neck

Liquid broth contaminated
with bacteria

Neck was broken off

Open flask allowed air
and any bacteria present
in the air to enter the broth

  • This experiment proved that the source of microorganisms for fermentation or putrefaction is air. The organisms or life cannot
    arise spontaneously from nutrient media.

Theory of Panspermia or Cosmozoic or Extraterrestrial

  • It was proposed by Richter (1865). It states that life came on earth from some other planet in the form of seed or spore
    called panspermia or cosmozoans hence, it is also called spore theory.

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