Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Cells with distinct nucleus and cell organelles. It is assumed that eukaryotic cells
evolved from prokaryotic cells either by symbiotic origin or origin by invagination.
(i) Symbiotic origin : According to Margulis some anaerobic predator host
cells engulfed primitive aerobic bacteria but did not digest them. These aerobic
bacteria established themselves inside the host cells as symbionts. Such predator
host cells became the first eukaryotic cells. The predator host cells that engulfed
aerobic bacteria evolved into animal cells while those that captured both aerobic
bacteria and blue-green algae became eukaryotic plant cells. The aerobic bacteria
established themselves as mitochondria and blue-green algae as chloroplasts. (ii)
Origin by invagination : According to this view, cell organelles of eukaryotic
cells might have originated by invagination of surface membrane of primitive
prokaryotic cells.
Origin of multicellular organisms Either by failure of separation of daughter cells after cell division or by aggregation
of cells.
(i) Photosynthetic, e.g., plants. (ii) Heterotrophic, e.g., animals.


  • Formation of simple organic compounds from simpler compounds under
    reducing conditions were experimentally proved by Stanley Miller
    and Harold Urey.

  • Mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour were
    subjected to electric spark of about 75,000 volts and temperature
    of about 800°C was provided.

  • Methane, ammonia, hydrogen were taken in ratio of 2 : 2 : 1. Mixture
    was passed through condenser and gases were continuously
    circulated for few days.

  • On analysing the composition of liquid inside the apparatus, amino
    acids like alanine, glycine and aspartic acid were found.

Fig.: Miller’s experiment

When the hot gases in the
spark chamber are cooled,
water vapour condenses and
any soluble molecules present
are dissolved.

Boiling chamber

Water vapour


Electric spark

CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2 , H 2 O

Cold water flow in

Hot water out


An electric spark simulates
a lightning storm.

To vacuum

Energy from the spark powers
reactions among molecules
thought to be present in
Earth’s early atmosphere.

Boiling water adds
water vapour to the
artificial atmosphere.

Organic molecules (amino acids)
appear after a few days.
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