Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. First photosynthetic organisms to appear on earth were
    (a) bacteria (b) green algae
    (c) cyanobacteria (d) bryophytes.

  2. Resemblance between widely different groups due to
    common adaptation is
    (a) restricted evolution
    (b) divergent evolution
    (c) convergent evolution
    (d) retrogressive evolution.

  3. What is the correct arrangement of periods of Palaeozoic
    era from oldest to latest in geological time scale?
    (a) Cambrian → Devonian → Ordovician → Silurian
    → Carboniferous → Permian
    (b) Cambrian → Ordovician → Silurian → Devonian
    → Carboniferous → Permian
    (c) Cambrian → Ordovician → Devonian → Silurian
    → Carboniferous → Permian
    (d) Silurian → Devonian → Cambrian → Ordovician
    → Permian → Carboniferous

  4. Who demonstrated that life comes from life with the help
    of flask of boiled broth?
    (a) Redi (b) Pasteur
    (c) Helmont (d) Arrhenius

  5. Which one of the following options gives one correct
    example each of convergent evolution and divergent
    Convergent evolution Divergent evolution
    (a) Eyes of octopus and Bones of forelimbs
    mammal of vertebrates
    (b) Thorns of Bougainvillea Wings of butterfly and
    and tendrils of Cucurbita bird
    (c) Bones of forelimbs of Wings of butterfly
    vertebrates and bird
    (d) Thorns of Bougainvillea^ Eyes of octopus and
    and tendrils of Cucurbita mammal

  6. In which period of Mesozoic era, gymnosperms were
    (a) Jurassic (b) Triassic
    (c) Cretaceous (d) None of these

  7. In evolution the studies can be made at molecular level. For
    example the protein present in the blood of man and ape
    are similar. The base sequence in nucleic acids and amino

acids sequence in protein in related organism is alike. These
are the examples which are specifically referred to in
(a) convergent evolution
(b) molecular analogy
(c) molecular homology
(d) homoplastic appearance.

  1. The strongest evidence for change over a long period of
    time comes from
    (a) fossils
    (b) DNA
    (c) embryo studies
    (d) direct observation of living species.

  2. The forelimbs of man and bat show similar internal patterns
    of structure, yet they perform different functions. This is an
    example of
    (a) analogous organs that have evolved due to
    convergent evolution.
    (b) analogous organs that have evolved due to
    divergent evolution.
    (c) homologous organs that have evolved due to
    convergent evolution.
    (d) homologous organs that have evolved due to
    divergent evolution.

  3. Select the correct match of connecting link between two
    (a) Archaeopteryx - Aves and Mammalia
    (b) Amphioxus - Echinodermata and Chordata
    (c) Peripatus - Annelida and Arthropoda
    (d) Ornithorhynchus - Aves and Reptilia

  4. Identify the scientist who did not challenge the theory of
    spontaneous generation.
    (a) Francesco Redi (b) Van Helmont
    (c) Lazzaro Spallanzani (d) Louis Pasteur

  5. A baby has been born with a small tail. It is a case exhibiting
    (a) retrogressive evolution
    (b) mutation
    (c) atavism
    (d) metamorphosis.

  6. Sequence of substances appearing during the origin of life
    would have been
    (a) amino acids, ammonia, phosphates, nucleic acids
    (b) ammonia, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids

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