Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Arrange the following ecosystems in descending order
    depending upon the net primary productivity.
    (i) Temperate coniferous forest
    (ii) Tropical rainforest
    (iii) Savannah
    (iv) Temperate deciduous forest
    (v) Temperate grassland
    (a) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii), (v) (b) (i), (ii), (iii), (v), (iv)
    (c) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (v) (d) (ii), (i), (iv), (v), (iii)

  2. In case of ecological succession, the climax community is
    best represented by
    (a) P = R (b) P < R
    (c) P > R (d) P ≠ R.

  3. Select the correct match.
    (a) Sedimentary cycle – Nitrogen cycle
    (b) Guano deposit – Phosphorus cycle
    (c) Hydrosphere – Reservoir pool of carbon
    (d) Quercus – Species of woodland stage

  4. If 40 J energy is trapped at producer level, then what amount
    of energy will be available to hawk as in the given food chain?
    Plant → Caterpillar → Sparrow → Hawk
    (a) 0.0004 J (b) 0.04 J (c) 4 J (d) 0.004 J

  5. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement A : Maximum productivity occurs in coral reefs
    and estuaries.
    Statement B : Both the ecosystems, coral reefs and
    estuaries have rich nutrient supply.
    (a) Both statements A and B are correct and B is the correct
    explanation of A.
    (b) Both statements A and B are correct but B is not the
    correct explanation of A.
    (c) Statement A is correct but statement B is incorrect.
    (d) Both statements A and B are incorrect.

  6. A zooplankton is living in an aquatic ecosystem. What will
    be its trophic level?
    (a) T 1 (b) T 2 (c) T 3 (d) T 4

  7. Which of the following ecosystems has maximum
    (a) Grassland (b) Desert
    (c) Tropical rainforest (d) Orchard

  8. In an aquatic ecosystem, the food chain starts from
    (a) phytoplankton (b) zooplankton
    (c) small fish (d) roaches.

  9. Select the correct statement.
    (a) Carbon cycle is imperfect cycle while phosphorus cycle
    is perfect cycle.
    (b) Ten percent law was proposed by Odum in 1942.
    (c) Grazing food chain helps in releasing inorganic
    nutrients to the cycling pool.

(d) Seral community is a transitional community which
develops in an area during succession.

  1. Consider the following statements (A - D) and select the
    option which correctly fills the blanks.
    A. A group of species belonging to a trophic level which
    exploits a common resource base in a similar fashion is
    known as (i).
    B. (ii) reduces decomposition and causes piling up of
    C. In oceans productivity is limited by (iii) and (iv).
    D. Largest reservoir of calcium is (v).

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
(a) fugitive

Temperature light oxygen atmosphere

(b) guild Anaerobiosis light nitrogen lithosphere
(c) fugitive

Temperature oxygen nitrogen lithosphere

(d) guild Anaerobiosis light oxygen atmosphere

  1. Identify organisms A, B, C and D in the given food web.

(A) (B)






Grasses / Seeds


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