Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
(a) Squirrel Dog Tortoise Crow
(b) Rat Cat Bat Pigeon
(c) Deer Squirrel Rat Crow
(d) Deer Rabbit Frog Rat

  1. Changes during the process of ecological succession in
    communities are
    (a) quick (b) orderly and sequential
    (c) random (d) none of these.

  2. Select the incorrect statement.
    (a) Oligotrophic state of lake succession is the succession
    occurring on nutrient poor medium.
    (b) Pioneer community is best described as stable and self
    perpetuating biotic community.
    (c) Eutrophic state of lake succession is characterised by
    nutrient rich medium and organic matter.
    (d) Lithosere refers to sequence of successional stages on
    bare rock.

  3. Choose the correct sequence of biotic succession for
    (a) Phytoplankton → Floating stage → Submerged stage
    → Sedges → Reed swamp stage → Bushes → Trees
    (b) Zooplankton → Floating stage → Submerged stage
    → Reed swamp stage → Sedges → Bushes → Trees
    (c) Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Submerged stage
    → Floating stage → Reed swamp stage → Sedges →
    Bushes → Trees
    (d) Zooplankton → Submerged stage → Floating stage
    → Sedges → Reed swamp stage → Bushes → Trees

  4. Which of the following is not an ecosystem service provided
    by a natural ecosystem?
    (a) Carbon fixation (b) Pollination of flowers
    (c) Prevention of soil erosion
    (d) Aboriculture

  5. Select the correct statement regarding xerosere.
    (a) It is the ecological succession on bare rocks that are
    water deficient but rich in organic matter.
    (b) Crustose lichens such as Parmelia and Dermatocarpon
    are the pioneer community in a xerosere.
    (c) Hypnum and Tortula constitute the annual grass stage
    of xerosere.
    (d) Zizyphus and Capparis constitute shrub stage of

  6. The circulation of the essential nutrients between living and
    non-living components of biosphere is termed as
    (a) biogeographic cycle (b) cycling of minerals
    (c) biological cycle (d) biogeochemical cycle.

  7. Refer to the given figure showing single channel energy flow


(Energy not used)

(Energy not

Heat loss

Herbivores Carnivores



T 1 T 2 T 3



What fraction of gross productivity/assimilated energy is
utilised in respiration by producers (i), herbivores (ii) and
carnivores (iii)?
(i) (ii) (iii)
(a) 20% 30% 60%
(b) 10% 20% 30%
(c) 10% 5% 1%
(d) 20% 40% 80%

  1. Select the wrong statement regarding carbon cycle.
    (a) Oceanic water can retain upto 50 times of CO 2 levels in
    the air.
    (b) The only major reservoir of carbon in the biosphere is lake.
    (c) Volcanic eruptions, hotsprings, burning of fossil fuel and
    weathering add carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
    (d) The recycling of carbon is a self regulating feed back

  2. Read the following statements.
    (i) Removal of tigers from an area will result in increased
    growth of vegetation of that area.
    (ii) Grazing food chain is the major conduit of energy flow
    in aquatic ecosystem.
    (iii) Food chains are sustained by producers and decomposers.
    (iv) In a food chain, some organisms like hen operates at
    one trophic level only.
    Select an option which shows correct statements.
    (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
    (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv) 
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