Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. How is gene therapy being used in treating ADA deficient

  2. What are bioreactors? List five growth conditions that a
    bioreactor provides for obtaining the desired product.

  3. Differentiate between type I, II and III restriction

  4. (a) Name the bacterium which produces Bt toxin. What is
    the significance of this toxin?
    (b) Name the gene which codes for this toxin. Why this
    toxin does not kill the bacterium?
    (c) Name the genes that prevent infection by cotton
    bollworms and corn borers in pest resistant plants.

  5. Explain molecular farming or molecular harvesting.

  6. Name and explain the technique used in the separation and
    isolation of DNA fragments to be used in recombinant DNA

  7. (a) What do you mean by the term biopiracy?
    (b) What measures are being taken by the Indian
    Government to prevent biopiracy?

  8. What are the basic requirements of a polymerase chain
    How Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been made a useful
    cloning vector to transfer DNA to plant cells?

  9. (a) How is mature insulin different from proinsulin secreted
    by pancreas in humans?
    (b) How human functional insulin is produced using rDNA
    (c) Why is the functional insulin thus produced,
    considered better than the ones used earlier by
    diabetic patients?

  10. DNA being hydrophilic cannot pass through the cell
    membranes of a host cell. Explain how does recombinant
    DNA get introduced into the host cell to transform the latter.

  11. Explain the process of RNA interference.

  12. Neeraj was having a debate with Mohit regarding the
    advantages and disadvantages of transgenic animals.
    Neeraj was of the view that production of transgenic
    animals violates the integrity of species and animals suffer
    from cruelty so, it is unethical. On the other hand, Mohit
    emphasised the benefits that transgenic animals provide to
    the human race in various fields especially medicine.
    (a) How do transgenic animals benefit humans?
    (b) List the ethical issues related with the production of
    transgenic animals.
    (c) What values are shown by Neeraj and Mohit?


  1. What is cloning vector? Why is it used? Explain the
    technique of using such a vector in E.coli.
    Describe the process of recombinant DNA technology with
    the help of a neatly labelled diagram.

  2. A desired gene was identified in an organism for some
    experiments. Explain the processes that should be used for
    (a) cutting this desired gene at specific locations.
    (b) synthesis of multiple copies of this desired gene.
    (a) Briefly explain the principle and the role of ELISA.
    (b) How transgenic animals proved to be beneficial in:
    (i) Production of biological products
    (ii) Chemical safety testing?
    (c) Diagrammatically show synthesis of cDNA from RNA.

  3. (a) How recombinant DNA technology helps in detecting
    the presence of mutated gene in cancer patients?
    (b) Explain any three methods to force ‘alien’ or
    recombinant DNA into host cells.
    (a) List five advantages of using genetically modified
    plants over conventional ones. What are the health
    risks on humans by GM plants?
    (b) Describe the responsibility of GEAC, set up by the
    Indian Government.


  1. Kary Mullis developed the technique Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (PCR). The objective of this technique is selective
    amplification of specific region of DNA molecule.

  2. In gel electrophoresis, ethidium bromide (EtBr) is used to
    stain separated DNA fragments so that it can be seen as
    bright orange coloured bands after exposure to UV radiation.

  3. The milk produced by transgenic cow Rosie, is enriched with
    the human protein alpha lactalbumin and is nutritionally
    more balanced product for human babies than natural cow

  4. DNA is a negatively charged molecule and during gel
    electrophoresis, DNA fragments move towards anode
    (positive electrode) under the influence of electrical field.

  5. Golden rice is a transgenic variety of rice that contains good
    quantities of b-carotene, a principle source of vitamin A.

  6. (a) Differences between action of exonucleases and
    endonucleases are as follows :

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