Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Which of the following is responsible for initiating the
    rhythmic activity of heart?
    (a) Atrio-ventricular node (b) Sinoatrial node
    (c) Bundle of His
    (d) Pulmonary semilunar valves

  2. Select the correct statements for atherosclerosis.
    I. High blood plasma concentration of cholesterol in the
    form of low density lipoprotein (LDL) is responsible
    for atherosclerosis.
    II. Calcification of the plaques makes the walls of the
    arteries stiff and rigid.
    III. Blood leaks from the ruptured wall of arteries may
    clot and block the pathway of blood flow.
    I V. Lumen of the artery decreases and the flow of blood
    is reduced.
    (a) I only (b) II and III
    (c) III and IV (d) I and IV

  3. Pick the odd ones in each of the following groups and select
    the correct option.
    (i) Renal pelvis, Medullary pyramid, Renal cortex, Renal
    (ii) Afferent arteriole, Glomerulus, Vasa recta, Efferent
    (iii) Glomerular filtration, Antidiuretic hormone,
    Hypertonic urine, Collecting duct
    (iv) Trigone, Urinary bladder, Detrusor muscle, Urethral orifice
    (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
    (a) Renal Henle’s Collecting Urinary
    pelvis loop duct tubule bladder
    (b) Renal Afferent Antidiuretic Urinary
    papilla arteriole hormone bladder
    (c) Medullary Efferent Hypertonic Detrusor
    pyramid arteriole urine muscle
    (d) Renal Vasa recta Glomerular Urethral
    cortex filtration orifice

Total Marks : 160 Time Taken : 40 Min.


his specially designed column enables students to self analyse their
extent of understanding of specified chapters. Give yourself four

marks for correct answer and deduct one mark for wrong answer.

Self check table given at the end will help you to check your


Class XI

  • Body Fluids and Circulation

  • Excretory Products and Their Elimination
    4. Select the incorrect statement.
    (a) Tubular reabsorption takes place by passive and
    active transport.
    (b) ADH decreases the reabsorption of water in the DCT
    and collecting duct.
    (c) Cortical nephrons control plasma volume under
    normal water supply.
    (d) A normal adult person secretes about 1.5 litres of
    urine in 24 hours.
    5. Clotting factors III, VIII, IX and XII respectively are
    (a) Thromboplastin, antihaemophilic factor A, Stuart
    Prower factor and antihaemophilic factor C
    (b) Prothrombin, Calcium, Christmas factor, Glass factor
    (c) Fibrinogen, antihaemophilic factor B, Hageman factor,
    Fibrin-stabilising factor
    (d) Thromboplastin, Antihaemophilic factor A, Christmas
    factor, Glass factor.
    6. Atrial Natriuretic Factor hinders the regulation of kidney by
    (a) renin-angiotensin aldosterone system
    (b) stimulating release of antidiuretic hormone
    (c) inhibiting aldosterone synthesis
    (d) increasing H+ reabsorption in PCT.
    7. Identify A, B, C and D in the given table.
    Leucocytes Percentage of

Shape of
Monocytes 2-10 A
B 0-1 3 lobed
Neutrophils C Many lobed
D 1-6 Bilobed
(a) Large rounded Eosinophils 20-45 Lymphocytes
(b) Bean shaped Basophils 40-70 Eosinophils
(c) 5-7 lobed Basophils 40-70 Lymphocytes
(d) S-shaped Lymphocytes 20-45 Basophils
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