Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1
of male

It is the inflammation of prostate generally caused by infection.
Prostatitis results in perineal or testicular discomfort, mild dysuria and
symptoms of muscle and joint pain.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
This is the enlargement of the prostate gland. It
compresses the urethra, causing frequent night urination
(nocturia) or difficult or painful micturition.

It is the inability of the adult male to achieve penile
erection. It can be due to physiological, psychological
or neuromuscular defects.

It is a failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum. Cryptorchidism
is caused by deficient secretion of testosterone by fetal testes. If descent
does not occur by the age of one year, hormonal injection is given.
Retention of testes in the abdomen results in sterility.

Sperms are unable to fertilise the ovum due to low
Hydrocoele count or less motility.
It is enlargement of testicle due to accumulation of fluid
usually in tunica vaginalis.

Inguinal hernia
Tearing of inguinal tissue may result in protrusion of a part of intestine
into the scrotum.

Prostate carcinoma
It is cancer of prostate. Some symptoms are dysuria, difficulty in voiding,
increased frequency of urination or urinary retention.

New MCQs

  1. Which of the following consists of haploid number of
    (a) Spermatogonium (b) Primary spermatocyte
    (c) Secondary spermatocyte (d) Sertoli cells

  2. Testes remain suspended in the scrotum by means of
    (a) spermatic cords (b) inguinal canals
    (c) gubernaculum (d) mesorchium.

  3. A fibrous cord that extends from caudal end of the testis to
    the scrotal wall is
    (a) gubernaculum (b) mesorchium
    (c) tunicae (d) spermatic cords.

  4. The middle piece of human sperm consists of
    (a) centriole, mitochondria and 9 + 0 arrangement of
    (b) nucleus and mitochondria
    (c) 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules only
    (d) mitochondria and 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules.

  5. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
    (a) Sertoli cells provide nutrition to the developing male
    germ cells.
    (b) Leydig’s cells synthesise and secrete androgens.
    (c) Secretions of the acrosome helps the sperm to enter
    into the cytoplasm of the ovum.
    (d) Secondary spermatocytes are diploid.

  6. Manchette is a sheath covering the
    (a) head and neck of sperm
    (b) membranous urethra

(c) the end piece of tail of sperm
(d) half of nucleus, neck and middle piece of sperm.

  1. Identify the correct sequence of stage leading to formation
    of mature human sperms in testis.
    (a) Spermatogonia → Spermatid → Spermatocyte → Sperms
    (b) Spermatogonia → Spermatocyte → Spermatid → Sperms
    (c) Spermatid → Spermatocyte → Spermatogonia → Sperms
    (d) Spermatocyte → Spermatogonia → Spermatid → Sperms

  2. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which
    (a) prostate gland gets enlarged
    (b) male sterility takes place
    (c) fluid is collected in tunica vaginalis of the testis
    (d) testes do not descend into the scrotum.

  3. The most commonly used marker enzyme in clinical diagnosis
    of prostate cancer is
    (a) anti fertilizin (b) spermlysins
    (c) acid phosphatase (d) fertilizin.

  4. The main function of secretions of Cowper’s gland is
    (a) nourishment of sperms
    (b) activation of sperms to swim
    (c) lubrication of end of penis and urethal lining
    (d) coagulation of semen.

  5. If vasa efferentia in male reproductive system gets blocked, the
    gametes will not be transported from
    (a) epididymis to vas deferens
    (b) testes to epididymis
    (c) vasa efferentia to rete testis
    (d) ejaculatory ducts to penis.

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