Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1
(a) Female Metafemale Male
(b) Male Female Metafemale
(c) Female Male Intersex
(d) Metamale Female Male

  1. If the recombination frequencies of fruitfly between genes
    b (black body) and vg (vestigial wings) is 18%, (b) black
    body and cn (cinnabar eye) is 9% and cn (cinnabar eye) and
    vg (vestigial wings) is 9.5%. Identify the correct sequence
    of genes in fruitfly.
    (a) cn, b and vg (b) b, cn and vg
    (c) vg, b and cn (d) cn, vg and b

  2. The holandric type of inheritance refers to transfer of traits
    (a) father to son
    (b) father to grandson through his daughter
    (c) mother to daughter
    (d) father to granddaughter through his son.

  3. A man having a genotype AABbCcDD can produce P number
    of genetically different sperms and a woman with genotype
    UuVVWwXx generates Q number of genetically different
    eggs. The values of P and Q are equivalent to
    (a) P = 4, Q = 8 (b) P = 4, Q = 4
    (c) P = 8, Q = 4 (d) P = 8, Q = 8.

Match The Columns

  1. Match Column I with Column II.
    Column I Column II
    A. Incomplete dominance (i) 9 : 3 : 4
    B. Dominant epistasis (ii) 9 : 7
    C. Supplementary genes (iii) 1 : 2 : 1
    D. Complementary genes (iv) 1 : 1
    E. Test cross (v) 12 : 3 : 1

  2. Match Column I with Column II (There can be more than
    one match for items in Column I).
    Column I Column II
    A. Quantitative inheritance (i) Trisomic
    B. Pleiotropy (ii) Monosomic
    C. Hyperploidy (iii) Phenylketonuria
    D. Hypoploidy (iv) Human skin colour
    E. Male heterogamety (v) Drosophila
    F. Female heterogamety (vi) Pigeon
    (vii) Nullisomic
    (viii) Tetrasomic
    (ix) Sickle cell anaemia
    (x) Kernel colour in wheat
    (xi) Moths
    (xii) Cockroach

Passage Based Question

  1. Complete the given passage with appropriate words or
    The chromosomal theory of inheritance was proposed
    by (i) and experimentally proved by (ii). The theory
    states that (iii) constitute bridge between the present
    and next generation. Hereditary traits are carried by (iv) ,
    present in nucleus. Both (iv) and (v) occur in pairs in all
    somatic cells. The latter are located at specific loci on the
    chromosomes, which segregate and assort independently
    during (vi) and later fusion of gametes restores (vii) in
    the offspring. Both the chromosomes and alleles follow
    law of (viii) while only those gene pairs present on
    different chromosomes show (ix).

Assertion & Reason
In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A)
is given and a corresponding statement of Reason (R) is given
just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as :
(a) if both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) if both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation
of A
(c) if A is true but R is false
(d) if both A and R are false.

  1. Assertion : In incomplete linkage, more parental types of
    offspring are produced as compared to recombinant ones.
    Reason : Incomplete linkage occurs when genes are
    closely related to each other and do not separate during
    crossing over.

  2. Assertion : Mendel’s experiments on pea plant easily
    led him to conclude the laws of independent assortment.
    Reason : Mendel luckily studied those traits whose genes
    were present on different chromosomes.

  3. Assertion : Test cross is used to determine the genotype
    of a plant.
    Reason : In test cross, the plant with unknown genotype
    is crossed with its recessive parent.

  4. Assertion : Sickle cell anaemia is a sex-linked recessive
    Reason : Sickle cell anaemia occurs due to the formation
    of abnormal haemoglobin caused by substitution of
    valine by glutamic acid.

  5. Assertion : Pedigree analysis is study of pedigree for
    transmission of a particular trait.
    Reason : Pedigree analysis is useful for the genetic
    counsellors to advice couples about the possibility of
    having children with genetic defects.

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