Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Assertion : A peptide bond (–CO – NH_) is established
    between the amino group (–NH 2 ) of amino acid at P site,
    and carboxyl group (–COOH) of amino acid at A-site.

Reason : Peptide bond formation during translation is
catalysed by a protein enzyme peptidyl transferase.

Figure Based Questions

  1. Refer to the given figure and answer the following

(a) Identify the parts P, Q, R, S and T in the given figure.
(b) State the function of Q and R in the molecule.
(c) What is the above molecule called? Name the site for
recognition and attachment of mRNA codon.

  1. Read the given figure and answer the following questions.

o z y a





(a) Identify A, B, X, Y and Z in the given figure.
(b) Briefly describe the function of A.
(c) Which labelled part is involved in hydrolysing the

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The Hardy-Weinberg principle cannot operate if
    (a) gene flow does not occurs between population
    (b) frequent mutations occur in the population

(c) the population has no chance of interaction with
other populations
(d) free interbreeding occurs among all members of the

  1. The extinct human ancestor, whose fossil was discovered
    by Edward Lewis from Pliocene rocks of Shivalik Hills of
    India was
    (a) Ramapithecus (b) Australopithecus
    (c) Dryopithecus (d) Homo erectus.

  2. Which of the following options gives one correct example
    each of convergent evolution and divergent evolution?
    Convergent Divergent
    evolution evolution
    (a) Thorns of Bougainvillea Wings of butterfly and
    and tendrils of Cucurbita birds
    (b) Eyes of octopus and Bones of forelimbs of
    mammals vertebrates
    (c) Bones of forelimbs of Wings of butterfly and
    vertebrates birds
    (d) Thorns of Bougainvillea^ Eyes of octopus and
    and tendrils of Cucurbita mammals

  3. An isolated population of humans with approximately
    equal numbers of blue-eyed and brown-eyed individuals
    was decimated by an earthquake. Only a few brown-eyed

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