Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1
people remained to form the next generation. This kind of
change in the gene pool is called
(a) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
(b) blocked gene flow
(c) bottle-neck effect
(d) gene migration.

  1. Refer to the main features of theory of natural selection.
    (i) Limited food and space
    (ii) Formation of new species
    (iii) Variations
    (iv) Natural selection
    (v) Struggle for existence
    (vi) Inheritance of useful variations over many genera-
    (vii) Rapid multiplication
    Select the correct sequence of speciation.
    (a) (vii) → (i) → (vi) → (iii) → (iv) → (v) → (ii)
    (b) (vii) → (i) → (v) → (iii) → (iv) → (vi) → (ii)
    (c) (vii) → (i) → (v) → (iii) → (vi) → (iv) → (ii)
    (d) (vii) → (i) → (iii) → (v) → (iv) → (vi) → (ii)

  2. In a population of 1000 individuals, 360 belong to genotype
    AA, 480 to Aa and the remaining 160 to aa. Based on this
    data, the frequency of allele A in the population is
    (a) 0.4 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.7.

  3. According to Oparin, coacervates are
    (a) non-living collection of organic macromolecules with
    double layered membrane
    (b) protein-like structures consisting of branched chains
    of amino acids
    (c) lipid molecules enclosed by a living protein membrane
    (d) non-living structures comprising of organic
    biomolecules, surrounded by a film of water.

  4. Alligators distributed all over the North American continent
    and East Asia got separated due to certain barriers and
    developed some mutations, as a result of which they
    evolved into different species.
    This is an example of
    (a) parallel evolution (b) adaptive radiation
    (c) restricted distribution
    (d) discontinuous distribution.

  5. Which of the following is not an example of atavism?
    (a) Long dense hairs in humans
    (b) Conversion of some stamens and carpels to petal-like
    structures in Oxalis
    (c) Well developed canine teeth in humans
    (d) Leaves reduced to scales in Rucus.

  6. Choose the correct series of human evolution.
    (a) Dryopithecus → Homo erectus → Australopithecus
    → Cro-Magnon man

(b) Australopithecus → Homo erectus → Neanderthal
man → Homo sapiens
(c) Australopithecus → Ramapithecus → Dryopithecus
→ Homo sapiens
(d) Homo erectus → Australopithecus → Cro-Magnon
man → Neanderthal man

Match The Columns

  1. Match Column I with Column II.
    Column I Column II
    A. Raymond Dart (i) Peppered moth
    B. Hugo de Vries (ii) Tuang baby
    C. Adaptive radiation (iii) Lucy
    D. Donald Johanson (iv) Saltation
    E. Industrial melanism (v) Darwin’s finches

  2. Match Column I with Column II. (There can be more than
    one match for items in Column I)
    Column I Column II
    A. Connecting link (i) Australian Marsupials
    B. Missing link (ii) Prosimians
    C. Adaptive radiation (iii) Ornithorhynchus
    D. Analogous organs (iv) Flippers of Dolphin and
    pectoral fins of shark
    E. Primates (v) Ichthyostega
    (vi) Simians
    (vii) Protopterus
    (viii) Sting of honey bee and
    (ix) Darwin’s finches
    (x) Seymouria

Passage Based Question

  1. Complete the given passage with appropriate words or
    The process by which the organisms that appear physically,
    physiologically and behaviourally better adapted to the
    environment, survive and reproduce is called (i). This
    process depends upon the existence of (ii) within the
    population. In (iii) selection, average sized individuals
    are favoured over small sized ones, reduces (iv) and
    thus evolutionary change does not occur. Graphical curve
    obtained from such population is (v). During progressive
    selection, the (vi) size of population changes. (vii)
    selection favours both small and large sized individuals.
    It produces two peaks in distribution of traits, leading to
    development of different (viii). (vii) selection is rare in
    nature but plays an important role in (ix). Evolution of
    DDT resistant mosquitoes is an example of (x) selection.

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