Biology Today — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Total Marks : 160 Time Taken : 40 Min.


his specially designed column enables students to self analyse their
extent of understanding of specified chapters. Give yourself four

marks for correct answer and deduct one mark for wrong answer.

Self check table given at the end will help you to check your


Class XII

  • Biodiversity and Conservation

  1. Read the following statements and select the correct one.
    (a) Biodiversity is evenly distributed on earth.
    (b) Out of the total number of species present on the earth
    about 2.5 million species have so far been described.
    (c) Biodiversity hotspot is a region that shows high level of
    endemism and species richness.
    (d) Biodiversity refers to the totality of genes and species
    of a region.

  2. Match the column I with column II.
    Column I Column II
    A. Lantana camara (i) Drosophila melanogaster
    B. 4000 genes (ii) Oryza sativa
    C. 13000 genes (iii) Cinchona ledgeriana
    D. Morphine (iv) Exotic species
    (v) Papaver somniferum
    (vi) Escherichia coli
    (a) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(v)
    (b) A-(iv), B-(vi), C-(i), D-(v)
    (c) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(vi),D-(v)
    (d) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(v)

  3. Which of the following statements is correct?
    (a) Increase in species diversity occurs as we ascend a high
    (b) Maximum diversity occurs in tropical Amazon rainforest.
    (c) Endemic species are restricted to a particular area or
    (d) Both (b) and (c).

  4. Which of the given pair of geographical areas in India show
    maximum biodiversity?
    (a) Rann of Kutch and Eastern ghats
    (b) Eastern himalayas and Western ghats
    (c) Western ghats and Gangetic plain
    (d) Sunderbans and Indo-Burma
    5. ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’ proposed by Paul Ehlrich describes
    (a) effect of diversity on productivity
    (b) effect of alien species invasion
    (c) effect of decrease in biodiversity on the ecosystem
    (d) Both (a) and (b).
    6. Read the following statements and select the set of correct
    I. Maximum biodiversity occurs in tropical Amazon
    rainforest of South America.
    II. E diversity refers to diversity within a community.
    III. Extinction vertex is a combination of genetic and
    demographic factors.
    I V. Agenda 25, a product of Earth Summit, is a blue print for
    encouraging sustainable development of biodiversity
    through social, economic and environmental measures.
    (a) II only (b) I, II and IV only
    (c) I and III only (d) III and IV only
    7. Consider the graph showing species - area relationship and
    choose the incorrect statement related to it.

(^) Area
S = CAz
log S = log C + Z log A
log-log Scale
Species richness
(a) Relationship between species richness and area for a
wide variety of taxa is a rectangular hyperbola.
(b) Regression coefficient Z has generally a value of 0.1-0.2
regardless of taxonomic group or region.
(c) Species area relationship curve was given by German
naturalist and geographer Alexander von Humboldt.
(d) Regression coefficient Z has a value of more than 2.0
for a very large area such as entire continent.

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