BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

  1. An improved variety of transgenic basmati rice
    (a) Gives high yield and is rich in vitamin A
    (b) Is completely resistant to all insect pests and
    diseases of paddy
    (c) Does not require chemical fertilisers and
    growth hormones
    (d) Gives high yield but has no characteristic

  2. Nitrogen-fixation in root nodules of Alnus is
    brought about by
    (a) Bradyrhizobium (b) Clostridium
    (c) Frankia (d) Azorhizobium

  3. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly
    (a) Gibberellic acid – Leaf fall
    (b) Cytokinin – Cell division
    (c) IAA – Cell wall elongation
    (d) ABA – Stomatal closure

  4. Match the following and choose the correct
    combination from the options given:
    Column I Column II
    A. Tallest tree P. Macrocytis
    in Gymnosperms
    B. Smallest Q. Pteridophyte
    flowering plant
    C. Seedless vascular R. Wolffia
    D. Largest S. Sequoia
    perennial algae

(a) A-P, B-Q, C-R, D-S
(b) A-S, B-R, C-Q, D-P
(c) A-Q, B-P, C-R, D-S
(d) A-Q, B-R, C-S, D-P.

  1. Which of the following options gives the correct
    sequence of events during mitosis?
    (a) Condensation g nuclear membrane
    disassembly g crossing over g
    segregationg telophase
    (b) Condensationg nuclear membrane
    disassembly g arrangement at equatorg
    centromere division g segregation g
    (c) Condensation g crossing over g nuclear
    membrane disassembly g segregation
    (d) Condensation g arrangement at equator
    gcentromere division g segregation g

  2. A self fertilising trihybrid plant forms :
    (a) 4 different gametes and 16 different zygotes
    (b) 8 different gametes and 32 different zygotes
    (c) 8 different gametes and 64 different zygotes
    (d) 8 different gametes and 16 different zygotes

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