BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

  1. If a man Rh+ marries a woman Rh, then
    (a) First child will survive
    (b) First child will die
    (c) No child will be born
    (d) None of these

  2. Find out the correct sequence of labelling of
    diagram given below:

(a) A- spike; B- raceme; C- dichasial cyme;
D- monochasial cyme
(b) A- raceme; B-spike; C- monochasial cyme;
D- dichasial cyme
(c) A- dichasial cyme; B- monochasial cyme;
C- raceme; D- spike
(d) A- raceme; B- dichasial cyme; C- spike;
D- monochasial cyme

  1. Which of the following are considered as
    (a) Peroxisomes (b) Glyoxysomes
    (c) Melanosomes (d) All of these

  2. The rate of biomass production is called
    productivity. It may be primary or secondary
    productivity. Primary productivity does not
    depend on :-
    (a) Plant species inhabitating a particular area
    (b) Predation
    (c) Environmental factors
    (d) Photosynthetic capacity

  3. Isotopes used for proving semi-conservative
    replication of DNA are

(a)^14 N and^31 P (b)^14 N and^14 C
(c)^14 C and^31 P (d)^14 N and^15 N

  1. Identify the incorrect statement
    (a) Taq DNA polymerase is essential for PCR.
    (b) Taq DNA polymerase is not thermostable.
    (c) In PCR, two nucleotide primers are used.
    (d) Taq DNA polymerase is isolated from
    Thermus aquaticus.

  2. Largest number of chloroplast is found in
    (a) Bundles sheath cells
    (b) Transfusion tissue
    (c) Spongy tissue
    (d) Palisade tissue

  3. During cellulose fermentation by anaerobic
    bacteria in rumen and reticulum, Cellulose is
    mainly changed into
    (a) Ethanol (b) Butanol
    (c) CO 2 (d) Volatile fatty acid

  4. Which of the following does not occur during the
    Calvin cycle?
    (a) Carbon fixation
    (b) Oxidation of NADPH
    (c) Release of oxygen
    (d) Regeneration of the CO 2 acceptor

  5. Aquatic ecosystem occupy how much area
    (a) 75% (b) 90% (c) 10% (d)30%

  6. Plants in comparison to animals are more rapidly
    manipulated by genetic engineering, which is the
    most appropriate reason for this character.
    (a) Totipotency is shown by plant cells
    (b) Single somatic cell can regenerate whole
    plant body.
    (c) Genetic engineering is supplemented with
    tissue culture technique
    (d) All the above

  7. Uniport, symport and antiport are the types of
    (a) Simple diffusion (b) Facilitated diffusion
    (c) Active transport (d) Osmosis

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