BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

(a) 2.5 min (b) 2.5 hours
(c) 2.5 seconds (d) 5.0 min

  1. Which bacteria nitrite is converted into nitrate?
    (a) Nitrobacter (b) Nitrosomonas
    (c) Agrobacterium (d) Pseudomonas

  2. Which one of the following acid is derivative of
    (a) IAA (b) GA (c) ABA (d) NAA

  3. Which one of the following is known as Reptiles
    or Pandas of plant kingdom?
    (a) Cycas (b) Rhynia
    (c) Asteroxylon (d) Gnetum

  4. In the legume seed, food is stored in
    (a) Endosperm (b) Cotyledon
    (c) Seed coats (d) Perisperm

  5. Two nonallelic genes produce the new phenotype
    when present together but fail to do so
    independently, it is called
    (a) Epistasis (b) Complementary gene
    (c) Polygene (d) Noncomplementary

  6. The ovary is half inferior in flowers of
    (a) Peach (b) Cucumber
    (c) Cotton (d) Guava

  7. The structures that help some bacteria to attach to
    rocks and or host tissue are................
    (a) Holdfast (b) Rhizoids
    (c) Fimbriae (d) Mesosomes

  8. Which of the following would appear as the
    pioneer organisms on bare rocks?
    (a) Mosses (b) Green algae
    (c) Lichens (d) Liverworts

  9. In Operon concept, regulator gene functions as
    (a) Regulator (b) Inhibitor
    (c) Repressor (d) All of these
    38.Which one of the following palindromic base
    sequences in DNA can be easily cut at about the
    middle by some particular restriction enzyme?
    (a) 5’ - CGTTCG - 3’ 3’ - ATCGTA - 5’
    (b) 5’ - GAATTC - 3’ 3’ - CTTAAG - 5’
    (c) 5’ - CACGTA - 3’ 3’ - CTCAGT - 5’
    (d) 5’ - GATATG - 3’ 3’ - GTACTA - 5’
    39. In which of the following phloem parenchyma
    is absent
    (a) Banyan (b) Maize
    (c) Sunflower (d) Guava
    40. Match the items in Column I and column II then
    choose correct order.
    Column I Column II
    A. Streptomycin 1. Antibiotic
    B. Spirulina 2. Single celled protein
    C. Rhizobium 3. Nitrogen fixing
    D. Trichoderma 4. Biocontrol
    (a) A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4
    (b) A - 2, B - 1, C - 4, D - 3
    (c) A - 4, B - 1, C - 3, D - 2
    (d) A - 2, B - 1, C - 3, D - 4
    41. Photorespiration occurs in
    (a) C 3 plants (b) All plants
    (c) Algae only (d) C 4 plants
    42. Tropical forests occur in India
    (a) Jammu and Kashmir
    (b) Rajasthan
    (c) Kerala and Assam
    (d) Forest do not occur in India
    43. Endodermis is considered as a ‘biological check
    post’ because
    (a) it is present between stele and pericycle
    (b) it is barrel-shaped and do not have
    intercellular spaces
    (c) it is rich in starch grains and have starch sheath
    (d) it possesses ligno-suberised Casparian strip.
    44. In plants capillarity is aided by the
    (a) Small diameter of tracheids
    (b) Large diameter of the tracheids
    (c) Small diameter of the vessel elements
    (d) Both A and C
    45. In the given pedigree, assume that no outsider
    marrying in, carry a distance. Write the genotypes
    of C and D

(a) XCY and XCXC (b) XXC and XY
(c) XY and XCXC (d) XCXC and XCX
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