BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

C. Number of bones 3. 27
in frogs skeleton
D. Number of bones 4. 153
in forelimb of frog
(a) A - 2, B - 3, C - 4, D - 1
(b) A - 1, B - 3, C - 4, D - 2
(c) A - 3, B - 1, C - 4, D - 2
(d) A - 4, B - 3, C - 1, D - 2

  1. Zoochlorellae or zooxanthellae of coloured Hydra
    occur in
    (a) Mesoglea (b) Nutritive cells
    (c) Interstitial cells (d) Epithelio-muscular

  2. Which one is not found in testis of frog?
    (a) Germinal cell (b) Seminiferous tubule
    (c) Sertoli cell (d) Interstitial cell

  3. Choose the correct statement with reference to
    mutation theory.
    I. Mutations occur from time to time in naturally
    breeding population
    II. Mutations are continuous and accumulate
    over generations
    III. Mutations are full fledged and there are no
    intermediate forms
    IV. Mutations are not subjected to natural
    (a) II and III (b) I and III
    (c) III and IV (d) I and II

  4. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms
    in male frogs:
    (a) Testes →Vasa efferentia →Kidney → Seminal
    Vesicle → Urinogenital duct → Cloaca
    (b) Testes →Vasa efferentia →Bidder ’s canal →
    Ureter → Cloaca
    (c) Testes →Vasa efferentia →Kidney →Bidder’s
    canal → Urinogenital duct → Cloaca
    (d) Testes → Bidder’s canal → Kidney → Vasa
    efferentia → Urinogenital duct → Cloaca

  5. Muscle contraction of shortest duration occurs in
    (a) Eye lids (b) Heart
    (c) Intestine (d) Jaw

  6. Which of the following excretory organ is
    correctly matched with the organism in which it
    is found?
    (a) Flame cells – Platyhelminthes
    (b) Antennal gland or green glands – Insects
    (c) Nephridia – Crustaceans
    (d) Malpighian tubules – Annelids

  7. Joints between humerus and radio-ulna is
    (a) Ball and socket (b) Pivot

(c) Gliding (d) Hinge

  1. The reflex arc which is made of two neurons is
    known as
    (a) polysynaptic reflex arc
    (b) asynaptic reflex arc
    (c) monosynaptic reflex arc
    (d) disynaptic reflex arc

  2. Read the following four (A-D) statements :
    (i) Natural selection is a process in which
    heritable variations enabling better survival are
    enabled to reproduce greater number of progeny.
    (ii) When migration of a section of population to
    another place and population occurs, gene
    frequencies change.
    (iii) If loss of gene migration happens multiple
    times there would be a gene flow.
    (iv) If loss of considerable gene from a small
    population occurs by chance it is called as
    genetic drift.
    How many of the above statements are true?
    (a) Two (b) One
    (c) Four (d) Three

  3. Parts A, B, C, and D of the human eye are shown
    in the diagram. Select the option which gives
    correct identification along with its functions/

(a) C- Aqueous chamber-Reflects the light which
does not pass through the lens
(b) D- Choroid- its anterior part forms ciliary
(c) A- Retina- Contains photoreceptors i.e.,
rods and cones
(d) B-Blind spot- Has only a few rods and cones

  1. Which of the following pairs of hormones are the
    examples of those that can easily pass through
    the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a
    receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus)?
    (a) Insulin and glucagon
    (b) Thyroxin and insulin

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