BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

32.When the resident of seventh floor of a
multistoryed building feels the tremors of an
earthquake, he gets scared and starts climbing
down the stairs rapidly. Which hormone initiated
this action?
(a) Glucagon (b) Gastrin
(c) Thyroxine (d) Adrenaline

  1. Demonstration of conditioned reflex was first
    made by
    (a) William Harvey (b) Robert Brown
    (c) Karl von Frisch (d) Petrovitch Pavlov

  2. Which hormone regulates production of sperms?
    (a) LH (b) LTH
    (c) FSH (d) All of the given

  3. One of these causes nongonococcal urethritis
    (a) Neisseria gonorrhoeae
    (b) Chlamydia trachomatis
    (c) HSV-I
    (d) Treponema pallidum

  4. Inflammation of pelvis is called
    (a) Pyelitis (b) Nephritis
    (c) Glucosuria (d) Haematuria
    37.Which part of our body secretes the hormone
    (a) Ileum (b) Stomach
    (c) Duodenum (d) Oesophagus

  5. Which one of the following statements in regard
    to the excretion by the human kidneys is correct?
    (a) Descending limb of loop of Henle is
    impermeable to water.
    (b) Distal convoluted tubule is incapable of
    reabsorbing HCO 3.
    (c) Nearly 99% of the glomerular filtrate is
    reabsorbed by the renal tubule.
    (d) Ascending limb of loop of Henle is
    impermeable to electrolytes.

  6. In the stomach, gastric acid is secreted by the
    (a) Gastrin secreting cells
    (b) Parietal cells
    (c) Peptic cells
    (d) Acidic cells

  7. On hydrolysis, nucleic acid produces:
    (a) Sugar only (b) Phosphoric acid
    (c) Nitrogen bases only(d) All of these

  8. Protein denaturation takes place by the activity
    (a) Heat (b)Water
    (c) Enzyme (d) Pressure

42.Identify the figure given below.

(a) Effect of smoking on lung epithelium showing
cancerous cells
(b) Effect of liver disorder
(c) Effect of alcohol addiction
(d) Effect of drug addiction

  1. Passage of action of potential from one node of
    Ranvier to the next is
    (a) Nodal conduction (b) Saltatory conduction
    (c) Threshold stimulus (d) Mechanical conduction

  2. Select the correct combination of the statements
    (i-iv) regarding the characteristics of certain
    i) Methanogens are archaebacteria which produce
    methane in marshy areas.
    ii) Nostoc is a filamentous blue-green alga which
    fixes atmospheric nitrogen.
    iii)Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria
    synthesise cellulose from glucose.
    iv) Mycoplasma lack cell wall and can survive
    without oxygen.
    The correct statement are
    (a) ii and iii (b) i, ii and iii
    (c) ii, iii and iv (d) i, ii and iv
    45.Read the following statements
    I. Ground substance is hard and non-pliable.
    II. Rich in collagen fibres and calcium salts.
    III. Main tissue that provides structural frame to
    the body.

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