BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

(d) Dispersed in cytosol

  1. Which part of the world has high density of
    (a) Deciduous forest (b) Grasslands
    (c) Savannas (d) Tropical rain forest

  2. The characters of monocot stem anatomy are
    i. Sclerenchymatous hypodermis
    ii. a large number of scattered vascular bundles
    iii. bundle sheath is made up of parenchyma
    iv. a large,conspicuous parenchymatous ground
    v. peripheral vascular bundles are generally larger
    in size and central vascular bundles are smaller in
    a) i, ii, iii b) ii, iii, iv
    c) i, ii, iv d) i, ii, v

  3. Stomatal opening is under the control of
    (a) Epidermal cells
    (b) Palisade cells
    (c) Spongy parenchyma cells
    (d) Guard cells

  4. The compound which is mostly used to form
    amino acid through transamination is
    (a) α ketoglutaric acid (b) Glutamine

    (c) Glutamic acid (d) Aspartic acid

  5. The discovery of gibberellins is related with one
    of the following:
    (a) Bakane disease of oats

    (b) Bakane disease of rice
    (c) Bakane disease of maize

    (d) Bakane disease of Ragi

  6. A prokaryotic autotrophic nitrogen fixing

    symbiont found
    (a) Pisum (b) Alnus
    (c) Cycas (d) Cicer

  7. Match the column I and column II and select the
    correct option using the codes given below
    Column I Column II
    A. Pistils fused together 1. Gametogenesis
    B. Formation of gametes 2. Pistillate
    C. Hyphae of higher 3. Syncarpous

    D. Unisexual 4. Dikaryotic
    female flower
    (a) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
    (b) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
    (c) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
    (d) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
    33. Haemophilia is most commonly seen in human
    males than in human females because
    (a) a greater proportion of girls die in infancy
    (b) this disease is due to a Y-linked recessive

    (c) this disease is due to a X-linked recessive

    (d) this disease s due to an X-linked dominant

    34. A perennial plant differs from biennial in
    (a) Having underground perennating structure
    (b) Having asexual reproductive structures
    (c) Being tree species
    (d) Not dying after seasonal production of flowers
    35. What does the diagram represent?

(a) Anaphase I of meiosis I
(b) Prophase II of meiosis II
(c) Prophase I of meiosis
(d) Prophase of mitosis

  1. During succession :-
    (a) Species diversity and biomass increase but
    humus decrease
    (b) Species diversity and humus increase but
    biomass decrease
    (c) Humus and biomass increase but species
    diversity decreases
    (d) Species diversity, humus and biomass increase

  2. Gel electrophoresis is used for
    (a) Construction of recombinant DNA by joining
    with cloning vectors
    (b) Cutting of DNA into fragments
    (c) Separation of DNA fragments according to

    their size
    (d) Isolation of DNA molecule

  3. Which of the following key factors make the
    plasmid, the vector in genetic engineering?
    (a) It is resistant to restriction enzymes
    (b) It is resistant to antibiotics
    (c) Its ability to carry a foreign gene
    (d) Its ability to cause infection in the host

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