BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

  1. (b)

  2. (a) Linnaeus classified organisms into 2 groups :
    plants and animals.

  3. (c) In Hydra, some invaginations are present in the
    epithelia-muscular cells of tentacles.
    Nematoblasts are found in groups in these
    invaginations. These groups are called as battery
    or cnidom. 10 – 12 nematoblasts are present in one

  4. (c) Palaeognathae comprises a number of well-
    known flightless birds: the Ostrich, Rhea, Emu,
    Cassowaries, Kiwis and Tinamous.

  5. (a) Slime moulds aggregate into plasmodium in
    favourable condition but in unfavourable condition,
    plasmodium get differentiated into fruiting bodies
    which bears spores.

  6. (d) Anabaena is a prokaryotic organism. It is also
    called as Blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria which
    are included in the Kingdom Monera. As they are
    prokaryotic they lack true nucleus.

  7. (a) Prokaryotic cell lacks a true nucleus and
    membrane bound organelles, there is an
    undifferentiated, unorganised fibrillar nucleus
    without any nuclear membrane in a prokaryotic
    cell. The genetic material of prokaryotic cell is
    dispersed in cytoplasm and is known as nucleoid.

  8. (c)

  9. (b) Torpedo is a marine fish having cartilaginous
    body and they can produce electric currents when
    threatened by an enemy.

  10. (b) Herdmania has myogenic valveless heart. It
    has a double circulation. The blood of Herdmania
    is green due to the presence of vanadium in blood.

  11. (b) Nephridia in earthworm, Malpighian tubule in
    cockroach and urinary tubules in rat have similar
    functions. They are homologous organs, they have
    similar function (excretion of nitrogenous wastes).
    But differ in their origin.

  12. (d)

  13. (d) All the six matches properly.

  14. (b)

  15. (c)
    16. (c) Somatic hybridisation in higher plant is a
    valuable tool for conventional plant breeding to
    improve cultivated crops. It is fusion between
    somatic protoplasts under invitro conditions and
    subsequent development of their product to a
    hybrid plant is known as somatic hybridisation. The
    sources of Protoplasts are Leaves, Cell suspension
    culture, Callus culture and pre- conditioned plant
    17. (a) In Convergent evolution, structures are not
    similar but perform similar functions resulting in
    analogous organs. In divergent evolution, origin
    of structures is same but it performs different
    functions which results in homologous organs.
    18. (c) Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin A which is an
    aldehyde, whereas, ascorbic acid is Vitamin C.
    19. (c) 20. (a)
    21. (d)
    22. (c) Chitin is a polysaccharide that has nitrogen and
    is a derivative of glucose.
    23. (a) Gonadocorticoids or sexocorticoids are the
    hormones secreted by both zona reticularis and
    zona fasciculata of adrenal cortex.
    24. (a)
    25. (d) Bordeaux mixture is used to control fungal
    diseases and no vector is reported for bacterial
    blight disease, the use of disease-free seeds and
    disease resistant varieties can control disease.
    26. (a) At high altitude, the atmospheric O 2 level is
    less and hence, more RBCs are needed to absorb
    the required amount of O 2 to survive. That is why,
    the people living at sea level have around 5 million
    RBC/mm3 of their blood whereas, those living at
    an altitude of 5400 meter have around 8 million
    RBC/mm3 of their blood.
    27. (b) A nephron is a long tubule differentiated into
    four regions having different anatomical features
    and physiological role: Bowman’s capsule,
    proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), loop of Henle,
    and distal convoluted tubule (DCT). The latter
    opens into one of the collecting ducts.
    28. (a) Gonorrhea infected mothers may transmit the
    infection to their new born babies which may harm
    their eyes.
    29. (a) Hepatitis C virus may respond to interferon

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