BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

  1. (c) Healthy blood pressure in adults is a reading
    below 120 systolic or 80 diastolic. Blood pressure
    between 120/80 to 140/90 is normal.

  2. (d) 32. (a)

  3. (c) In post-synaptic cells, neurotransmitter
    receptors receive signals that trigger an electrical
    signal, by regulating the activity of ion channels.

  4. (a)Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) also called
    vasopressin helps the body to conserve water
    when body fluid volume (like blood) is low. Even
    hormones like Thyroxine has been implicated in
    the process of osmoregulation.

  5. (c) Syphilis is a STD transmitted by a bacterium.

  6. (c) Ornithine cycle: cyclic enzymatic process
    consisting of consecutive transformations of the
    amino acid ornithine and leading to the synthesis
    of urea. The ornithine cycle is the most important
    means of assimilation of ammonia (and thus for
    its neutralisation) in many species of animals, as
    well as in plants and microorganisms.
    The reactions of the ornithine cycle have been most
    thoroughly studied in mammals (H. Krebs and K.
    Henseleit 1932), in which the reactions take place
    primarily in the liver.

  7. (a)

  8. (c) Food particles are absorbed into the blood
    stream via the small intestine. The undigested
    substances are transferred to the large intestine

which essentially serves as a storage organ for the
excretory products. The descending, ascending and
transverse colons also facilitate the absorption of
left over vitamins, water and salt.

  1. (b) Proctadeum is a part of large intestine lined by
    ectoderm in rabbits.

  2. (b)

  3. (a) Amino acids are the end product on complete
    hydrolysis of proteins and peptides.

  4. (d) Malignant tumours : cancerous cells from such
    tumour are carried by blood and lymph to other
    parts of the body, where they form secondary
    malignant growths. The spread of cancer cells to
    distant parts is called metastasis.

  5. (b)Arbor vitae is a tree-like appearance in a vertical
    section of the cerebellum, due to the arrangement
    of the white and grey nerve tissues.

  6. (a)Heterotrophic bacteria derive their energy from
    another organisms by feeding.
    These heterotrophic bacterias have an important
    influence on human affairs. They are useful in
    making curd from milk, production of antibiotics,
    fixing nitrogen in legume roots etc.

  7. (a) Adipocytes of brown adipose tissue consists
    larger quantity of mitochondria and oxygen
    for more energy production. It also consists
    multiple lipid globules. Yellow adipose tissue has
    adipocytes with single large lipid globule.

  8. (d) Zoological park is also called an animal park
    or menagerie, is a facility in which animals are
    confined within enclosures, displayed to the
    public, and in which they may also breed.

  9. (d) Rust is caused by Puccinia, Smut is caused by
    Ustilago. Puccinia, Smut and Mushrooms belong
    to class Basidiomycetes. Hence all of them bears

  10. (d) The amphids (Chemoreceptors) are cuticular
    elevations on the ventero-lateral lips of Ascaris.

  11. (b) The aves have pneumatic bones which is an
    adaptation towards aerial mode of life.

  12. (d) Conjugation is a type of sexual reproduction in
    bacteria. During Conjugation two bacterial cells
    of different strains, one acting as male (donor
    cell) another as female (recipient cell) come.

  13. (d) Actinomyces are facultative anaerobe.

  14. (a)Obligate intracellular parasites are the parasites
    that can reproduce only when within a living cell,
    although it may survive outside cells.

  15. (d) Earthworm consists of closed circulatory
    system with capillaries, blood vessels and heart.
    Blood is composed of fluid plasma and colourless
    corpuscles. Red pigment, haemoglobin is
    dissolved in plasma. It gives red colour to the
    blood and helps in transportation of oxygen for

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