BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(avery) #1

  1. (d) The hydrolysis of Nucleic acid produces Phosphate group, pentose sugar (deoxy ribose or ribose) and
    heterocyclic amines.

  2. (a) Heat can be used to disrupt hydrogen bonds and non-polar hydrophobic interactions. The proteins in
    eggs denature and coagulate during cooking.
    43.(b) In saltatory conduction, the action potential essentially ‘jumps’ from one node to another as it travels
    down the axon, whereas in fully non-myelinated axons, it travels smoothly from start to finish all the way
    down the axon.

  3. (d) Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria oxidise various inorganic substances such as nitrates, nitrites and
    ammonia and use the released energy for their ATP production.

  4. (b) All the statements are regarding the bone tissue.

  5. (b) When two or more autonomous genes are
    present on same or different chromosomes, they
    combine to form a new expression and they are
    called intergeneric cross.

  6. (c) Drosera leaves are not reproductive in nature
    but some species of Drosera can be propagated
    by leaf cuttings.

  7. (c) Reproductive structures of previous living
    beings are not present in a primary succession
    since primary succession occurs in an area where
    no life existed previously.

  8. (c) Two strands of DNA are anti-parallel each
    other. Both the strands run parallel but in opposite
    directions. One chain has polarity 5’g3’ whereas
    other has 3’g5’. Both strands are complimentary
    to each other, it means that both strands have
    complimentary base pairs.

  9. (b) 6. (b)

  10. (a) A-Streptokinase, B-Removing oil stains and
    C-Trichoderma polysporum.

  11. (a) Photophosphorylation takes place during
    daytime as the word ‘photo’ refers to light.

  12. (a) 10. (d)

  13. (a)

  14. (b) Abcisic acid promotes abscission of leaves,
    fruits and fruits, it induces abscission layer in
    the petiole and pedicle results in abscission.
    Ethylene is associated with triple response

and it reduces stem elongation, increased stem
thickening and horizontal growth habit. Auxin
induces differential growth in plant organs under
the influence of stimuli termed tropic response.
Cytokinine induces morphogenesis.

  1. (b) Cyanophycean members contain Chlorophyll
    a & b, carotenoids and xanthophylls as major
    pigment and contains True starch and sugar as
    reserve food material.

  2. (a) The position of the gynoecium with respect
    to the petals, sepals, and stamens on the floral
    axis also characterises the flower. In hypogynous
    flowers, the perianth and stamens are attached to
    the receptacle below the gynoecium; the ovary is
    superior to these organs, and the remaining floral
    organs arise from below the point of origin of the

  3. (d) Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle
    poles and their identity is lost as discrete
    elements, nuclear envelope assembles around
    the chromosome clusters and nucleolus, golgi
    complex and endoplasmic reticulum reforms in
    the telophase stage.

  4. (c) 17. (d)

  5. (d)

  6. (b) Protein synthesis in an animal cell occurs
    in cytoplasm where most chemical reactions
    takes place in a cell membrane that controls the
    portion of substances inside and out of the cell, in
    mitochondria - where greater energy is liberated
    during respiration membrane.

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