Flora Unveiled

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28 i Flora Unveiled

has never been surpassed,” which he made to his secretary. See Bahn, P.  G. (2005), A  lot of
bull? Pablo Picasso and Ice Age cave art, in Homenaje a Jesús Altuna, Antropologia- Arkeologia
57:219– 225.

  1. Marshack, A. (1991), The Roots of Civilization: The Cognitive Beginnings of Man's First Art,
    Symbol And Notation. McGraw- Hill.

  2. Dobres, M.- A. (1992a), Re- considering Venus figurines: A feminist- inspired re- analysis,
    in Ancient Images, Ancient Thought: The Archaeology of Ideology— Proceedings of the 23rd Annual
    Chacmool Conference, A.  Sean Goldsmith, Sandra Garvie, David Selin, and Jeannette Smith,
    eds., Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, pp.  245– 262; Dobres, M.  - A.
    (1992b) Representations of Palaeolithic visual imagery: simulacra and their alternatives. Kroeber
    Anthropological Society Papers 7 3 – 74 : 1– 25.

  3. Rice, P. C. (1981), Prehistoric Venuses: Symbols of motherhood or womanhood? Journal
    of Anthropological Research 37: 402– 414.

  4. Nelson, S. M. (1997), Gender in Archaeology: Analyzing Power and Prestige. Alta Mira Press.

  5. Nowell, A., and M.  L. Chang (2014), Science, the media, and interpretations of Upper
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  6. Conard, N. J. (2009), Female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels cave in
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    24. Ibid.

  7. A bandeau (pl. bandeaux) is a garment made from a strip of cloth, usually referring to a
    band around the breasts.

  8. Soffer, O., J. M. Adovasio, and D. C. Hyland (2000), The “Venus” figurines. Textiles, bas-
    ketry, gender, and status in the upper Paleolithic. Current Anthropology 4 1:5 1 1– 537.
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  10. Angulo Cuesta, J., and M. Garcia Diez (2005), Sexo en Piedra. Sexualidad, Reproducción
    y Erotismo en Época Paleolítica. Angulo Cuesta, J., and M.  Garcia Diez (2006), Diversity and
    meaning of Paleolithic phallic male representations in Western Europe. Actas Urológicas
    Españolas 30:254– 267; Delluc, G., and B. Delluc (2006), Le Sexe Au Temps Des Cro- Magnons.
    Édition Pilote 24; Duhard, J. - P. (1996), Réalisme de l' image masculine paléolithique. Millon, J.,
    and Duhard, J. - P. (1993), Réalisme de l' image féminine paléolithique. Jérôme Millon.

  11. González Morales, M. R., and L. G. Straus (2015), Magdalenian- age graphic activity associ-
    ated with the El Mirón Cave human burial. Journal of Archaeological Science 60:125– 133; Straus,
    L. G., M. R. González Morales, J. M. Carretero, and A. B. Marín- Arroyo (2015), “The Red Lady
    of El Mirón”:  Lower Magdalenian life and death in Oldest Dryas Cantabrian Spain:  an over-
    v iew. Journal of Archaeological Science 60:134– 137.

  12. Angulo Cuesta and Garcia Diez, 2005, 2006; Delluc, 2006; Duhard, 1993, 1994.

  13. Marshack, The Roots of Civilization.

  14. Marshack, A. (1975), Exploring the mind of Ice Age man. National Geographic 147:62– 89.

  15. Angulo Cuesta, J., and M. Garcia Diez, Diversity and meaning, pp. 254– 267.
    35. Ibid.

  16. Tyldesley, J. A., and P. G. Bahn (1983), Use of plants in the European Paleolithic: A review
    of the evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews 2:53– 81.

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