Artemisinin and Nitric Oxide Mechanisms and Implications in Disease and Health

(Darren Dugan) #1

84 6 ART for Antiaging

Table 6.1 Up/downregulation of genes responsible for anabolism/catabolism of some major
metabolites by CR and mimetics
Metabolites Pathways and genes Up/downregulation folds
CR ART H 2 O 2
Glucose Glycolysis
Acs2 −17.28 −2.63 −3.02
Adh6 −6.18 −1.54 −3.06
Ald3 −1.49 −1.83 2.13
Eno1 −1.75 −1.38 −2.26
Pdc6 −4.88 −2.16 −3.71
Pgm2 −1.68 −1.74 −2.02
Pyk2 −1.27 −1.72 −2.20
Tdh2 −4.32 −4.17 −12.62
Tdh3 −1.49 −2.47 −10.36
Citrate cycle
Aco1 −1.71 −1.43 −1.63
Cit2 1.04 1.11 1.06
Fum1 −2.55 −1.16 −1.20
Idh1 −3.26 1.08 1.06
Kgd1 −1.58 −1.26 −1.28
Kgd2 −1.51 −1.15 −1.29
Lat1 1.00 1.32 1.39
Lsc2 −1.63 1.03 −1.32
Mdh3 1.55 1.39 1.39
Pck1 −2.21 −1.19 −1.26
Pdb1 −1.60 −1.04 −1.14
Pyc2 −1.73 1.46 1.33
Sdh4 −1.58 −1.12 −1.17
Fatty acids Biosynthesis (including unsaturation and elongation)
Acc1 −2.46 1.50 −1.21
Fas1 −2.54 −1.00 −1.53
Fas2 −2.29 1.19 −1.22
Fen1 −2.03 1.59 1.54
Ifa38 −2.02 −1.22 −1.30
Sur4 −4.07 −2.47 −3.54
Tsc13 −2.37 −2.15 −2.85
Ole1 −2.94 −1.03 −1.12
Degradation (β-oxidation)
Dit2 2.86 2.61 2.82
Faa2 3.31 1.38 −1.06
Faa4 2.13 1.20 −1.16
Pot1 4.56 1.60 1.56
Pox1 5.99 2.31 1.78

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