As a major kind of energy metabolites, glucose is regenerated through
gluconeogenesis and degraded through glycolysis. Because gluconeogene-
sis and glycolysis are inter-reversible, it is reasonable that gluconeogenesis/
glycolysis pathway genes are downregulated by CR due to glucose restric-
tion. Regarding to fatty acids, another family of major energy metabolites, it
is also understandable that fatty acid biosynthesis pathway genes are down-
regulated, whereas fatty acid degradation pathway genes upregulated in all
treatment groups. In similar, biosynthesis pathway genes for two kinds of
Table 6.1 (continued)
Metabolites Pathways and genes Up/downregulation folds
CR ART H 2 O 2
Amino acids Cysteine and methionine biosynthesis
Aro8 −4.17 −1.46 −1.54
Cys3 −3.91 −2.54 −4.85
Hom2 −2.09 −1.19 1.04
Irc7 −14.85 −1.89 −2.98
Met6 −2.24 −1.68 −1.88
Sah1 −7.18 −1.29 −1.29
Sam1 −4.11 −1.94 −1.43
Sam4 −4.94 −2.27 −2.64
Spe2 −2.84 −1.38 −1.32
Spe4 −2.02 −1.31 −1.19
Utr4 −2.71 −1.02 −1.05
Nucleotides Purine and pyrimidine degradation
Apa1 2.73 1.84 2.40
Cdc8 2.25 1.11 −1.19
Dal3 2.70 4.26 4.10
Dbp3 2.24 3.34 4.70
Dbp4 3.28 1.47 1.65
Gud1 2.37 1.90 2.00
Hnt2 2.66 2.82 3.20
Met14 3.28 1.46 1.74
Prs2 2.14 1.50 1.61
Rnr3 2.02 1.02 1.30
Rpa12 2.08 1.11 2.07
Rpa34 2.50 −1.20 1.78
Rpa43 2.83 1.29 2.46
Rpc31 2.24 1.10 1.08
Rpc53 2.75 1.41 2.06
Trr2 3.18 1.24 1.26
ART artemisinin; CR calorie restriction