New Scientist - USA (2019-09-07)

(Antfer) #1
| New Scientist | 7 September 2019

The back pages Puzzles

Cryptic crossword #14 Set by Wingding Quick quiz #19 Puzzle set by Angus Walker

#20 Caesar cipher

How might Caesar get you from 3 to 47?
A bit of general knowledge might help you
here, or some numerology, because there
are two neat solutions to this puzzle.

Answer next week

#19 The vicar’s age
The vicar was 50 on that day (it was her
The family’s three ages must be factors of
2450 (2450 = 1 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 7 x 7). Any
combination of these factors into 3 possible
ages gives a product of 2450 (e.g. 2, 25
and 49), but they may give different sums
when you add them (e.g. in this case
For the bishop to be unable to figure out
the exact combination of ages, there must
be at least two options that you can add to
make his age. Listing potential possibilities,
you will find that 5, 10, 49, and 7, 7, 50
both add to 64, and this is the only pair
with the same sum. Therefore 64 must
be the bishop’s age.
The vicar now reveals she is older than
everyone in the family, and the bishop is
able to work out the family’s ages from this.
If she is 51 or older, he still wouldn’t be able
to tell which combination of ages the family
has. But if the vicar has just turned 50, then
one of the family age groups can now be
eliminated - meaning the only possible
family ages are 5, 10 and 49.

1 Of land mammals,
African elephants have the
second-longest and humans
have the longest. What?

2 Up, down, top, bottom,
strange... what is missing?

3 Approximately how
many genes does the
human genome contain:
(a) 20,000, (b) 100,000
or (c) 20 million?

4 What historic event linked
the University of California,
Los Angeles, and the
Stanford Research Institute
on 29 October 1969?

5 The Wolf number keeps
track of which solar

Answers below

Crossword #39

ACROSS 1 IQ test, 4 Impala,
8 Divided, 9 Chevron, 11 White
heat, 12 Polyp, 14 Boron,
15 Emoticon, 16 Endogamy,
18 Rebus, 21 Firestone,
24 Rickets, 25 Boolean,
26 El Niño, 27 Hernia

DOWN 1 Irish, 2 Twitter,
3/20 Stephen Jay Gould,
5 Mohs, 6 Alveoli, 7 Anonymous,
10 Safety Pin, 13 Source Code,
14 Bentonite, 17 Oilskin,
19 Botulin, 22 Nyala, 23 Stun

Quick quiz #19

Lifespan 1

  • they are the six Charm 2

types of quark

ber (a) 20,000. The low num 3

e as a surprise. Before the cam

ost e Project, man GenomHum

researchers’ best guess was

around 100,000

essage sent The first m 4

puters between two com

on ARPANET, the forerunner

of the internet

Sunspots 5






1 Students’ union has zero
intelligence (4)
3 Idealists of America
welcoming outstanding
Scotsman (8)
9 Close your eyes: it’s good
to hold on to rubbish (7)
10 Small bone kept in part
of Victorian villa (5)
11 Landscape acquiring shape
and gravity, creating an
atmosphere, perhaps? (12)
13 Panel to cause
bewilderment (6)

15 First of strawberries with
their usual accompaniment!
[Excited sound] (6)
17 Computer scientist injecting
nitrogen with sharp object

  • a decisive moment (7,5)
    20 Delayed initial observations
    near French city (2,3)
    21 Sharpness of detective
    in a large town (7)
    22 Strangles software
    developer after accepting
    deterioration (8)
    23 Time to reverse discharge (4)

Answers and the next quick crossword next week.

1 Carbon structure made of
graphene but on a new
piece, turned over (8)
2 Cruel, sick, sore (5)
4 Band covered by hill
showing sign of
Parkinson’s disease (6)
5 Medical book’s
unconventional approach
includes massaging head
and originally encouraged
injecting amphetamine (12)
6 Five gripped by a rhythmic
movement go forward (7)
7 Sulphur key to mineral (4)

8 Every English hit thrown
under vehicle in high
radiation zone (3,5,4)
12 May the rebuilt road
lead to quartz (8)
14 Mathematician adding
natural number, imaginary
number, irrational number
and set of real numbers (7)
16 At home, hearing
precipitation, take
a breath (6)
18 Expression of stupid person
giving up time for millions (5)
19 Antelope drops round to get
filtration device (4)
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