Biology Today - February 2018

(Michael S) #1
(a) It is a bony fish with four pair of gills with ctenoid
(b) It is a cartilaginous fish with seven pair of gills without
operculum and ventral mouth.
(c) It is ‘sanguivorous fish’ which migrate to fresh water
for spawning.
(d) None of the above

  1. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
    (1) Teeth of &DUFKDURGRQ are mesodermal and modified
    ctenoid scales.
    (2) Electric ray 7U\JRQ is a cartilaginous fish.
    (3) Fighting fish and angelfish are common aquarium fish.
    (4) Amphibian, reptile, birds and egg laying mammals
    contain cloacal chamber.
    (5) Reptiles, bird and mammals are homiothermic.
    (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) None

  2. How many of the following names are correctly matched?
    (1) Blue whale – %DODHQRSWHUD
    (2) Flying fox – 3WHURSXV
    (3) Vulture – 1HRSKURQ
    (4) Tortoise – &KHORQH
    (5) Sea horse – +LSSRSRWDPXV
    (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 1

  3. Larva of salamander is
    (a) ammocoete (b) tadpole
    (c) axolotl (d) trochophore.

  4. Gill cover, the operculum is present in

(a) 6FROLRGRQ (b) flying fish
(c) 3ULVWLV (d) 7U\JRQ.

  1. Ammonotelic chordate of the following is

(c) frog and toad (d) &ROXPED.

  1. Which of the following is a wrong match?
    (a) Tunicates – Adult is degenerated but larva is advanced
    (b) Chondrichthyes – Notochord persist throughout life
    (c) 3KU\QRVRPD – An amphibian commonly called as
    horn toad
    (d) Reptiles and Aves – Monocondylic

  2. Which of the following feature is not found in osteichthyes?
    (a) Mesodermal teeth modified placoid scales
    (b) Anus and genital aperture separate
    (c) Mouth terminal
    (d) Operculum and hydrostatic organ (swim bladder)

  3. Which of the following is a true fish?
    (a) Hag fish (b) Silver fish
    (c) Dog fish (d) Star fish
    17. Fish with poisonous sting is
    (a) 7U\JRQ (b) 7RUSHGR
    (c) +LSSRFDPSXV (d) &DWOD.
    18. ‘Ectoparasite of fish’ but itself a chordate and anadromus
    (a) 3HWURP]RQ (b) 0[LQH
    (c) 6DOPRQ (d) Both (a) and (b)
    19. Few characters are listed here. Select how many of them are
    found in birds.
    (1) Homeothermic (2) Monocondylic skull
    (3) 10 pair of cranial nerve (4) Cledoic and shelled eggs
    (5) Urea nitrogenous waste
    (6) Beak is modified lips.
    (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 2
    20. Which of the following characters is absent in aves?
    (a) Sound producing vocal cords
    (b) Bipedal locomotion and legs covered by scales
    (c) Ossified endoskeleton with pneumatic bones
    (d) Four chambered heart and vestigial renal portal system
    21. (FKLGQD is a
    (a) scaly ant eater, a mammal
    (b) flightless bird
    (c) burrowing reptile
    (d) egg laying mammal or monotreme.
    22. Which of the following assists in the locomotion of the
    organism stated?
    (a) Clitellum of 3KHUHWLPD
    (b) Pedicellaria of starfish
    (c) Trichocysts of 3DUDPHFLXP
    (d) Posterior sucker of +LUXGLQDULD

Send your response at [email protected] or post to us with complete address by 25th of
every month to win exciting prizes. Winners’ name will be published in next issue.

  1. Make as many biological terms as possible
    using the given letters. Each word should
    contain the letter given in circle.

  2. Minimum 4 letter word should be made.

  3. In making a word, a letter can be used as
    many times as it appears in the box.

  4. Make at least 1 seven letter word.







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