BIOLOGY TIMES — January 2018

(ff) #1

  1. (c) Anaphase I is the cytological event which
    corresponds to Mendel’s law of independent

  2. (d) Compound corymb is also known as corymb.
    Here the main axis (peduncle) branches in a
    corymbose manner and each branch bears flowers
    arranged in corymbs.

  3. (c) Mitochondria is the common feature between
    plant and animals.

  4. (d) 5. (c)

  5. (c) On Agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA
    fragments can be separated and later can be
    visualised after staining with a compound known
    Ethidium bromide.

  6. (c) According to tunica corpus theory, Tunica
    is the outer consisting of meristems- peripheral
    layers of cells, forming the outer region and
    Corpus, the central undifferentiated multilayered
    mass of cell.

  7. (b) The center of flocs will become anoxic, which
    would cause death of bacteria and eventually
    breakage of flocs.

  8. (d) Depending upon their colour, plastids are
    of three main types-leucoplasts, chromoplasts
    and chloroplasts. All plastids are derived
    initially from small, undifferentiated plastids
    termed proplastids, which are found in dividing
    cells in meristems. During cell differentiation,
    proplastids differentiate into particular plastid
    types according to the type of cell in which they

  9. (d) Aestivation is called as summer sleep, where
    the organisms undergo physiologically dormant
    state during summer.

  10. (a)

  11. (a) Plasmolysis is the shrinkage of protoplasm
    when a cell is kept in hypertonic solution. It
    can be reversed by placing the cell in hypotonic

  12. (c) Utricularia, Drosera and Dionea are also
    known as bladderwort, sundew and venus flytrap
    14. (d) Phytochrome is a soluble chromoprotein with
    molecular mass 250 kDa. Plant grows towards
    sunlight because the red light from sun converts
    the chromoprotein into the active form (Pfr),
    which triggers plant growth; plants in shade
    show slow growth because the inactive form
    (Pr) is produced. If seeds sense light using the
    phytochrome system they will germinate.
    15. (c) Spirogyra is an example for chorophyllous
    16. (b)
    17. (d) When a gene masks the expression of another
    non-allelic gene, this effective gene is called
    epistatic gene. And the interaction factor is known
    as epistatic factor
    18. (a) A sheath-like structure found in a plant seed
    that connects the coleoptile to the primary root
    and acts as a protective covering enclosing the
    plumule and radicle.
    19. (a) Cell theory is not applicable for viruses. It
    requires living host for its survival.
    20. (c)
    21. (c) The transfer of information from RNA to DNA
    or the reverse of normal transcription is known
    as Reverse transcription. It occurs in retroviruses
    (HIV), eukaryotes etc.
    22. (a) Palindromic sequence are sequence of base
    pairs that reads same on the two strands when
    orientation of reading is kept the same.
    23. (b) Vessels of xylem are devoid of nucleus.
    24. (b) Fungi is growing on potato dextrose agar
    containing petriplate.
    25. (a) Electron transport chains are used for
    extracting energy via redox reactions from
    sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case
    of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration.
    In eukaryotes, an important electron transport
    chain is found in the inner mitochondrial
    membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative
    phosphorylation through the use of ATP synthase.
    It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of
    the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In
    bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in
    their cell membrane.
    26.(d) The tropical rain forest are more diverse
    and highly densed with maximum productivity
    (approximately 12000kcal/m^2 /yr).

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