Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom

(Elliott) #1

94 Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review •••

❍ What are the criteria for oligohydramnios requiring delivery in the post-term pregnancy?
Amniotic fluid index <5 cm
Largest vertical pocket of amniotic fluid < 2 × 2 cm

❍ What is the most reasonable management plan for the patient with a favorable cervix at 42 weeks’ gestation?
Induction and delivery.

❍ In the patient with an unfavorable cervix, what are the potential benefits to labor induction at 41 to
42 weeks’ gestation versus continued expectant management?
Lower perinatal mortality rate.
Reduced risk of meconium-stained fluid.
Higher patient satisfaction.

❍ The intrapartum fetal heart rate tracing of a patient at 42 weeks’ gestation is shown below. What
intrapartum complication does this tracing suggest?

Recurrent variable decelerations indicative of oligohydramnios and umbilical cord compression.
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