Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom

(Elliott) #1

••• Chapter 16^ First Trimester Ultrasound^177

❍ What are the requirements for a good NT image?

  • CRL between 45 and 84 mm.

  • Fetus in midsagittal plane in neutral position.

  • Distinguish between fetal skin and amnion.

  • Magnified so fetus occupies 75% of the screen.

  • Place calipers on inner margins of skin to soft tissue.

❍ What structure is the arrow pointing to in the ultrasound image?


❍ Is TVUS required for NT measurement?
No. Often abdominal ultrasound is successful in 80% of cases.

❍ How does neck flexion and extension affect the NT?
Neck flexion decreases the NT by about 0.4 mm, while hyperextension increases the NT by about 0.6 mm.

❍ What first trimester biochemical analytes, along with NT, constitute an effective screening strategy for
PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein A) and hCG (free or totalhCG).

❍ In pregnancies affected with Down syndrome, the hCG will be , and the PAPP-A will be __. NT
will be increased.
Increased, decreased.

❍ In pregnancies affected with Trisomy 18, the hCG will be , and the PAPP-A will be . NT will be
Decreased, decreased.

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