Obstetrics and Gynecology Board Review Pearls of Wisdom

(Elliott) #1

••• Chapter 30^ Genital Tract Infections and PID^293

❍ What is the treatment of Candida vaginitis?
Topical application of one of the synthetic imidazoles, terconazole, butonconazole, or oral fluconazole.

❍ What is the most practical method of diagnosing candidal vaginitis?
Application of KOH on a wet smear and look for presence of mycelial and blastopore forms.

❍ What human papillomavirus serotypes usually cause genital warts?
Types 6 and 11.

❍ What percentage of individuals infected with the human papillomavirus develop genital warts?

❍ What are some treatment options for vulvar condyloma?
Provider applied: Trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin, cryosurgery, laser ablation or 5-fluorouracil cream.
Patient applied: Imiquimod or podophyllin (Condylox gel or liquid).

❍ What are the criteria for hospitalization of patients with PID?
A patient should be hospitalized when a surgical emergency cannot be excluded, pregnancy, the patient does not
respond to oral antibiotic therapy, the patient is unable to follow or tolerate oral therapy, presence of TOA
(see ultrasound below), and patients with severe illness, nausea, vomiting, or high fever.

Ultrasound of TOA

❍ What is trichomonas vaginalis?

A flagellated protozoan that infects the squamous epithelium of the urogenital tract. Its only host are humans.
Always sexually transmitted.

❍ What is the treatment of choice for trichomoniasis?
Metronidazole 2 g orally single dose or tinidazole 2 g orally single dose is the treatment of choice for
trichomoniasis with one dose for partner as well.

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