out the window. This might have been the end of Lilly. Fortunately the
castle was surrounded by a moat.
Plop! Lilly sank into the green-skinned water. With a shove from
her now-powerful rear legs, she popped to the surface, blinked green
slime from her eyes, and looked around.
The party from the palace had spilled out over the drawbridge and into
the park. All the princes had gathered together to compare notes, since Lilly
was no longer available. The group wandered near the moat, and Lilly, knowing
an opportunity when she saw one, casually paddled over to eavesdrop.
“Too tall,” said one prince.
“Too short,” said another.
“Too fat,” said one.
“Too skinny,” said a fourth.
“Too SMART!” they all agreed.
“But rich, very rich!” the first said, and they all nodded together.
Lilly was outraged. She hopped up and plopped her moaty-green body
onto one prince’s perfectly shined boots.
Disgusted, he shook her off. Then he grinned.
“Hey, guys, want to play ‘toss the frog’?” He scooped Lilly up and flung
her through the air onto another prince’s spotless tunic. It was no longer quite
so spotless.