wrapped itself up and around the faded gray
He was led to a small, dark room. It was
lit only by candles. There was a large wooden
podium. On it sat a huge hardcover volume.
This was Grayling’s Book of Common Spells.
“You have exactly five minutes,” the wiz-
ard said. “When you’ve picked your spell, read
it out loud. Once you’ve made your choice, it’s
final. So choose wisely.”
It was easy for the wizard to say. He
probably knew hundreds of spells—some of
which were too powerful even to be put into
Grayling’s book. He never had to pick “just
one.” He could learn as many as he wanted.
It didn’t seem fair.
Knowing he did not have much time,
Liam quickly flipped through the pages. The
book smelled like pine needles and vanilla.
The paper was heavy and yellow with age.
Quickly, Liam’s eyes skimmed through
line after line. There was a spell, Grow, which
would allow him to grow half an inch each
time he cast it. Birdcall was a spell to attract
birds. They would even land on his head
and shoulders for a short time. Liam was