Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment, Volume 5..

(Ron) #1

Annex 2.A1

List of taxonomic names of various Cucurbita

The primary source of the information in Table 2.A1.1 is “The Plant List” at:
The Plant List is the result of collaboration between the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
and Missouri Botanical Garden. The collaboration between these groups enabled the
creation of the list by combining multiple checklist data sets held by these institutions and
other collaborators. Based on information from these sources, The Plant List provides the
name agreed by the collaborators to be an “accepted” name, as well as synonyms by
which that species has been known. It also contains “unresolved” names for which the
contributing data sources did not contain sufficient information to decide whether they
were “accepted” names or synonyms.
Other sources are also available, and information from these sources has also been
incorporated: e.g. USDA-ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network at: http://www.ars-
The rightmost column of Table 2.A1.1 enumerates the names of cultivars offered as
examples in the chapter in relation to the cultivated Cucurbita species.
The reader should be aware that botanists over time have applied some 400 names at
various taxonomic ranks to the huge range of diversity observed in the Cucurbita (Nee,

Table 2.A1.1. List of taxonomic names of various Cucurbita

Names used
preferentially in text Synonyms

Associated names
found in literature Varietal names in text
C. argyrosperma Huber
C. argyrosperma ssp.

C. argyrosperma var. callicarpa
C. argyrosperma var. palmeri
C. argyrosperma ssp. sororia
C. argyrosperma var.

C. palmeri
C. sororia
C. kellyana

Green striped cushaw
White cushaw
Magdalena striped
Japanese pie
Silver seed gourd
C. digitata None recorded C. cordata
C. palmata
C. californica
C. cylindrata
C. ecuardorensis None recorded
C. ficifolia Bouche C. ficifolia f. leucosperma
C. ficifolia f. melanosperma
C. ficifolia var. mexicana

C. melanosperma

C. foetidissima Kunth C. foetidissimavar. foetidissima
C. foetidissima var. scabridifolia

C. scabridifolia

C. galeottii
C. lundelliana
C. maxima Duchesne C. maxima ssp. maxima
C. maxima var. triloba
C. maxima var. turgida
C. maxima var. zapallito
C. maxima var. zipinka

C. andreana Delicious
Mammoth whale
French turban
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