Figure 3.18. B. napus var. napobrassica, rutabaga or Swede
Source: Courtesy Floridata.
B. napus var. pabularia, Siberian or rape kale
This sub-species has both annual and biennial forms with much branched erect stems
up to 1.5 metres tall. Lower leaves are glaucous and lobed. Upper stem leaves are
lanceolate, sessile and clasping (Figure 3.19). The much branched inflorescence is
an elongated raceme producing siliques 5-11 cm long and 2.5-4 mm wide with a slender
0.5-3 mm long beak. The tap root produces many side branches. The crop is grown as
a leafy vegetable and for fodder.
Figure 3.19. B. napus var. pabularia, Siberian or rape kale
Source: Courtesy Floridata.
Oilseed rape, B. napus var. napus f. annua and f. biennis
Oilseed B. napus has both an annual (spring) and a biennial (winter) form.
The biennial form is less winter hardy than winter wheat which restricts its production to
areas with mild winter conditions such as northern Europe and central China. The annual
form is grown as a spring crop in western Canada and northern China but also as a winter
crop in Australia and other countries with very mild winters.