Biology Today - May 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1


  • Angiosperms are seed plants in which seeds are formed inside fruits and the sporophylls are organised into flowers.

  • Angiosperms are the most recently and highly evolved plants.

  • Angiosperms are found in most environments on the earth.

  • Plant body is sporophytic and represented by herbs, shrubs, trees, twiners, trailers, climbers, etc.

  • Sporophytic plant body is differentiated into roots, stem and leaves.

  • Depending upon the number of cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seeds, angiosperms are divided into two subgroups :
    dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.

  • Xylem contains vessels and phloem possesses sieve tubes and companion cells.

  • Secondary growth occurs in root and stem of dicots.

  • Sporophylls are aggregated to form flowers. Both microsporophylls and megasporophylls are specialised to form stamen and
    carpel producing male and female gametes respectively.

  • Female gametophyte is represented by embryo sac. All the cells of embryo sac are haploid.

  • Pollination takes place by several agencies such as air, water, birds, insects, bats, etc.

  • The flowers possess showy petals, edible pollen and nectar to attract various pollinating agents.

  • Pollen grains or microspores reach stigmatic surface found at the tip of carpel or megasporophyll.

  • Embryo sac develops upto 8-nucleate state before fertilisation. There is a three cell egg apparatus, three antipodal cells and two polar

  • Double fertilisation is characteristic feature of angiosperms. One
    of the two male gametes, fuses with egg to form zygote while
    other fuses with central cell to form primary endosperm nucleus

  • Central cell containing triploid primary endosperm nucleus
    forms triploid endosperm. Endosperm provides nourishment
    to developing embryo.

  • Synergids and antipodals degenerate after fertilisation.

  • Fertilised ovules ripen into seeds. The seeds are covered by

  • A fruit is a ripened ovary which not only protects the seeds but
    also help in their dispersal.

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