Biology Today - May 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1
Strain 1

Strain 2

Step (i)

Step (vi)

Step (ii)

Step (iii)

Step (iv)

crossing over

Fig.: Pontecorvo’s idea of parasexual cycle

Step (v)

Sorting out of
new haploid
nuclei through

Sorting out of
diploid nuclei
through diploid

Haploid conidia

Recombinant diploid with
yellow or white conidia


conidia Diploid

  • •Parasexual cycle was first discovered by Pontecorvo and Roper of University of Glasgow in 1952 in Aspergillus nidulans the, imperfect stage of
    Emericella nidulans. Parasexuality can be defined as a phenomenon in which the three processes, e.g., plasmogamy, karyogamy and meiosis occurs
    at an unspecified time and stages in the life of a fungus.
    Several steps involved in the process of parasexuality:

  • •Formation of heterokaryotic mycelium - Existence of nuclei of different strains in the protoplasm of the cells of a hypha is termed as heterokaryosis
    and such hypha is called ‘heterokaryotic’. Heterokaryosis generally occurs in the thallus of a fungus by following ways : by anastomosis (plasmogamy
    between two genetically different hyphae), by mutation of one or more nuclei in a homokaryotic mycelium by diploidisation, etc.

  • •Karyogamy - The fusion of haploid nuclei of similar or dissimlar genotypes results in the formation of homozygous or heterozygous diploid nucleus
    respectively. If the genotype of unlike nuclei present in the heterokaryotic mycelium are A and B, then five different types of nuclei may be formed
    (haploid A and B,homozygous diploid AA and BB and heterozygous diploid nuclei AB).

  • •Multiplication of diploid nuclei - These five types of nuclei multiply, but the diploid nuclei are present in much smaller number than the haploid nuclei.

  • •Occasional mitotic crossing over - Mitotic crossing over takes place during multiplication of diploid nuclei and new gene combinations are
    formed. These recombintions which are dependent on the existence of heterokaryosis and give the fungus some of the advantages of sexuality within the
    parasexual cycle.

  • •Sorting out of diploid nuclei - In those fungi which produce uninucleate conidia, sorting out of the diploid nucleus occurs by their incorporation
    into conidia. Conidium which contains diploid nucleus germinates to produce diploid mycelium. Diploid strains of several important imperfect fungi
    have been isolated.

  • •Haploidisation of diploid nuclei - Occasionally, some hyphae of diploid mycelium form haploid conidia which form haploid mycelia on germination.
    The formation of haploid conidia by diploid mycelium indicates that haploidisation occurs in some diploid nuclei.

  • •Sorting of new haploid strains - Some diploid nuclei undergo haploidisation in the mycelium and are sorted out by incorporation of haploid nuclei
    in the uninucleate conidia. Some of these haploid strains are genotypically different from their parents because of mitotic recombinations.

Parasexual Cycle in Deuteromycotina

  • •Many species of Deuteromycotina are
    pathogenic to plants. Many are responsible
    for the degradation of foods, including decay
    from rots on vegetables and fruits. Some of the
    common diseases caused by them are as follows.

    • •Red rot of sugarcane caused by
      Colletotrichum falcatum.

    • •Early blight of potato caused by Alternaria

    • •Wilt of cotton caused by Fusarium

    • •Tikka disease of groundnut caused by
      Cercospora personata.

    • •Leaf stripe of barley is caused by
      Helminthosporium gramineum.

    • •Black point disease in wheat caused
      by Alternaria tenuis, Fusarium,
      Helminthosporium, etc.

Deuteromycotina Members
as Potent Pathogens

  • •The member of Genus Penicillium are cultivated for the industrial manufacture of cheese (Penicillium roqueforti, Penicillium camemberti), antibiotics
    (Penicillium notatum, P. chrysogenum) and gluconic acid (Penicillium purpurogenum).

  • •Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylella cionopaga trap nematodes (microscopic roundworms that often infest the roots of crop plants) by forming hyphal
    rings which constrict the nematode when stimulated by contact. Thereby, these Deuteromycotina reduce the disease incidence due to nematode of the
    crop plant.

Economic Importance of Deuteromycotina

  • •Several members, which were previously included in Deuteromycotina due to unknown sexual (perfect) stages, were later transferred to an
    appropriate group when their perfect stages were recorded in nature or in artificial culture media. The following are few examples :
    Imperfect stage Perfect stage
    Alternaria solani Pleospora infectoria
    Cercospora cerasella Mycosphaerella cerasella
    Cercospora personata Mycosphaerella berkeleyi
    Helminthosporium gramineum Pyrenophora graminea
    Helminthosporium oryzae Cochliobolus miyabeanus
    Colletotrichum falcatum Glomerella tucumanensis

Perfect Stages of Imperfect Fungi



  • •The members belonging to this group are saprophytes or parasites.

  • •The mycelium is well developed and profusely branched with perforated septa.

  • •The hyphae may be inter or intracellular and the cells are multinucleate.

  • •The reproduction takes place by asexual means only and sexual stages are not known.

  • •Asexual reproduction takes place by oidia or conidia formation. The conidia are non-motile structures which develop exogenously on conidiophores.

  • •Conidiophores are either free or are formed in some special types of fruiting bodies such as synnemata, acervuli, sporodochia and pycnidia.

  • •Some members show parasexuality.

    • •Conidiophores get assembled in a variety of ways to form different types of asexual fruiting bodies. These are:

The Subdivision Deuteromycotina includes those fungi in which only asexual or imperfect
stages are known and sexual or perfect stages are not yet recorded. They are also called Fungi
imperfecti. This subdivision includes about 600 genera and over 20,000 species, but this number
is now decreasing as members previously included in Deuteromycotina are being transferred to
appropriate groups as soon as their perfect sexual stages are discovered. Thus, this subdivision
is a purely artificial and temporary assemblage of fungal species waiting to be included in
appropriate groups after the discovery of their perfect stages.

General Characteristics of Deuteromycotina

Fruiting Bodies

The classification of Deuteromycetes is artificial, hence various taxa are known as form - order, form-family, form-genus, etc. On the basis of structure of the
asexual fruiting body and type of conidia, the group has been divided into following four orders.


Order : Moniliales

  • •This order is represented by about 10,000
    form-species. The mycelium is colourless or
    black in colour.

  • •Mycelia are septate and branched.

  • •Conidia are produced directly on hyphal
    cell or specialised hyphal cells called

  • •The conidiophores are usually free but
    sometimes they are assembled into spo-
    rodochium or synnemata.
    E.g., Cercospora, Fusarium, etc.

Order : Melanoconiales

  • •The mycelium is internal and asexual
    fruiting bodies are acervulus type.

  • •The acervuli are sub-epidermal and
    develop beneath the host cuticle or

  • •Usually they burst through the host
    surface as the pigmented conidia mature.

  • •Conidiophores are aggregated in a
    palisade like layer on the surface of
    stroma and conidia are abstricted singly
    or in chains.
    E.g., Colletotrichum, Gloeosporium, etc.

Order :

  • •They produce
    conidia in

  • •The pycnidia
    may be separate
    or joined by
    stromatic tissue.
    E.g., Phyllosticta,

Order : Mycelia Sterilia

  • •It includes 20
    genera and 200

  • •The mycelium is
    sterile and conidia
    are not formed.

  • •They reproduce
    by sclerotia, rhizo-
    morphs and other
    vegetative means.
    E.g., Rhizoctonia


  • •Sporodochium is
    a hemispherical or
    barrel-shaped asexual
    fruiting body. Its lower
    or the basal part is a
    cushioned stoma like
    mass of hyphae.

  • •Conidiophores
    constitute the upper
    part of sporodochium
    bearing conidia.





  • •It is a flask shaped fruiting
    body whose cavity is lined by a
    sterile pseudo-parenchymatous
    tissue comprising its wall,
    called pycnidial wall.

  • •Fertile layer consists of
    very short conidiophores
    which bear pycniospores or
    pycnidiospores at their tips,
    lies in the cavity. The whole
    structure, i.e., cavity, wall
    and fertile layer constitute
    Ostiole Conidia



  • •The whole fructification resembles a long
    feather cluster or a brush.

  • •Branched or unbranched conidiophores
    arise very close to each other and are
    often united along a greater part of their
    length to form dense fascicles.

  • •This type of arrangement of
    conidiophores is given the name
    corenium or synnema.

  • •Towards the upper end of synnema the
    conidiophores become free and diverge
    to give rise to conidia.





  • •It is a saucer shaped
    structure consisting
    of stromatic mass of
    hyphae and fertile layer
    of conidiophores.

  • •Conidiophores arise
    from a mat of closely
    crowded hyphae
    forming a small disc
    called stroma.

  • •The conidia are
    abstricted from the tips
    of conidiophores.



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