Biology Today - May 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Ectopic pregnancy is a condition of
    (a) inflammation of cervix during pregnancy
    (b) implantation of embryo in the oviduct rather than uterus
    (c) high blood pressure during pregnancy
    (d) birth of premature baby.

  2. The method of hybridisation of DNA with a labelled probe is called
    (a) Southern blotting (b) Northern blotting
    (c) Western blotting (d) Eastern blotting.

  3. Which of the following is not used in SCP production?
    (a) Methylophilus methylotrophus
    (b) Candida utilis
    (c) Rhizopus stolonifer (d) Fusarium graminearum

  4. Refer to the given figure and select the incorrect option.
    (a) The organism belongs to the Class
    (b) This organism is an egg laying female.
    (c) It always swims upright in the sea water.
    (d) The pelvic and caudal fins are absent in it.

  5. Capitulum inflorescence is a modification of
    (a) spike (b) umbel
    (c) spadix (d) catkin.

  6. Select the mismatched pair.
    (a) SA node – Initiation of heart beat
    (b) Neurogenic heart beat – Vertebrates
    (c) Mitral valve – Left atrium
    (d) Cardiomegaly – Enlarged heart

  7. Select the correct statement regarding apoenzyme.
    (a) It is heat stabled.
    (b) It takes part in group transfer reactions.
    (c) It is the non-protein organic part of the holoenzyme.
    (d) It is specific for an enzyme.

  8. In Hamburger’s phenomenon, the chloride ions move from
    (a) plasma to RBC (b) RBC to plasma
    (c) blood capillary to tissue cell
    (d) tissue cell to blood plasma.

  9. Intrafascicular cambium is a kind of
    (a) intercalary meristem (b) apical meristem
    (c) primary lateral meristem (d) secondary meristem.

  10. Select the correct statement.
    (a) Indirect development of Schistosoma includes velliger and
    trochophore larva.
    (b) Cartilaginous fishes have homocercal caudal fin and cycloid
    (c) In Hemidactylus, eyelids are movable and nictitating
    membrane is present.
    (d) Spider has 3 pairs of legs.

  11. In which of the following amino acids, polar hydrocarbon is not present?
    (a) Serine (b) Glutamic acid
    (c) Alanine (d) Both (b) and (c)
    12. The following features occur during protein synthesis.
    (i) Movement of mRNA from the nucleus into the cytoplasm,
    where it binds to small subunit or the ribosomes.
    (ii) Aminoacylation of tRNA.
    (iii) Transcription of specific segments of DNA into mRNA
    molecules in the nucleus.
    (iv) Binding of N-terminal amino acid, methionine tRNA to the
    P-site of the ribosome. The tRNA anticodon pairs with AUG
    on mRNA.
    (v) Formation of peptide bond between first and second amino
    acids at the A-site.
    (vi) Release of the complete polypeptide chain from mRNA and
    the ribosomes.
    (vii) Migration of dipeptide to form a tripeptide and then a
    The correct order of events will be
    (a) (iii) – (ii) – (i) – (iv) – (v) – (vi) – (vii)
    (b) (i) – (ii) – (iii) – (iv) – (v) – (vi) – (vii)
    (c) (iii) – (i) – (ii) – (v) – (iv) – (vi) – (vii)
    (d) (iii) – (i) – (ii) – (iv) – (v) – (vii) – (vi)
    13. Consider the type of life cycle given and select the incorrect option.

(a) Meiosis occurs at the time of spore formation in sporophytic
(b) Gametophytic plant is produced by germination of spores.
(c) This life cycle is exhibited by most algae and some seed
bearing plants.
(d) This life cycle is exhibited by many bryophytes and pteridophytes.

  1. A person having I AIA or IAIO genotype can donate blood to the
    person having blood groups.
    (a) B, AB (b) A, O (c) A, AB (d) A, B.

  2. Select the mismatched pair.
    (a) Yellow fever - Viral disease
    (b) Diphtheria - Bacterial disease
    (c) Hansen’s disease - Rickettsial disease
    (d) Syphilis - Spirochaetal disease

  3. “Species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are
    reproductively isolated from other such groups”. This statement refers to
    (a) biological species concept
    (b) evolutionary species concept
    (c) morphological species concept
    (d) polytypic species concept.

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