Biology Today - May 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1

  1. Which of the following period is known as the age of fishes?
    (a) Ordovician period (b) Silurian period
    (c) Devonian period (d) Carboniferous period

  2. Read the following statements and select the correct one.
    (i) Juvenile phase is the pre-reproductive phase in the life cycle
    of an individual.
    (ii) Bambusa tulda is a monocarpic plant.
    (iii) Carrot and radish are polycarpic.
    (iv) In estrus cycle, broken endometrium is passed out.
    (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
    (c) (i) only (d) (i) and (ii)

  3. Which is not true about euglenoids?
    (a) They have a protein rich layer called pellicle instead of cell wall.
    (b) Mixotrophic mode of nutrition is found among them.
    (c) In most forms the cells have stiff cellulose plates.
    (d) They occur in fresh water habitat and in damp soils.

  4. The epiphytic roots of Vanda
    (a) absorb mineral salts and moisture from the dust collected on
    (b) possess velamen which helps to absorb water from moist
    (c) helps in the fixation on the surface of host plant
    (d) arise from nodes and store air from the atmosphere.

  5. The (i) cartilage forms articular surface at the joints of long bones
    and (ii) cartilage occurs in the pubic symphysis.
    (a) (i)-hyaline (ii)-white fibrous
    (b) (i)-calcified (ii)-hyaline
    (c) (i)-white fibrous (ii)-calcified
    (d) (i)-hyaline (ii)-calcified

  6. The given plant
    (a) is vascular but cryptogamae
    (b) do not have vessels in its xylem
    (c) have assimilatory tissues in its vegetative
    (d) is aquatic species of hornworts.

  7. In some organisms karyokinesis is not followed
    by cytokinesis as a result of which multinucleate condition arises
    leading to the formation of syncytium as in case of

(a) embryo development
(b) liquid endosperm of coconut
(c) trophomixis
(d) scutellum development.

  1. Match the column I with column II and select the correct option.
    Column I Column II
    A. Marginal placentation (i) Dianthus
    B. Free central (ii) Marigold
    C. Axile placentation (iii) Acacia
    D. Basal placentation (iv) Lemon
    (a) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(iii)
    (b) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
    (c) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)
    (d) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(iii)

  2. A mRNA, consisting of 282 nucleotides can produce a polypeptide
    chain of
    (a) 282 amino acids (b) 120 amino acids
    (c) 94 amino acids (d) 141 amino acids.

  3. Ganong’s respirometer is used to determine
    (a) vital capacity
    (b) total lung capacity
    (c) inspiratory reserve volume
    (d) respiratory quotient.

  4. Which of the following is incorrect for the given figure.
    Discharge corona Negatively charged wire

Clean air

Dust particles

Dirty air

Collection plate grounded
Electrostatic precipitator
(a) Most widely used instrument, for the removal of particulate
(b) It can remove over 99% particulate matter present in the
exhaust from a thermal power plant.
(c) It works on the principle of dust separation by centrifugation
(d) The velocity of the air between the plates must be low
enough to allow the dust to fall.

Exam on

May 2018




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