Biology Today - May 2018

(Rick Simeone) #1


  1. The process of maintaining the fertilised eggs of birds at
    the optimum temperature for successful development
    of embryos. (10)

  2. A tadpole-like larval stage of trematode worms that
    develops in the body of a mollusc. (8)

  3. An evolutionary process in which larval or juvenile
    features of an ancestral organism are displaced to the
    adult form of its descendants. (14)

  4. Inflammation of the gums characterised by the
    discharge of pus and loosening of teeth. (9)

  5. The unossified part of skull of a new born. (10)

  6. A protein found in many eukaryotic cells, that possesses
    ATPase activity and binds to microtubules. (6)

  7. An infectious RNA particle that causes diseases mainly
    in plants. (6)

  8. The highest taxonomic category, consisting of one or
    more kingdoms. (6)

  9. An alkaloid widely used in plant breeding for doubling
    the chromosome number and also known as mitotic
    poison. (10)

  10. The depression on upper lip and below the nose commonly
    found in mammals. (8)

  11. A dimeric protein produced by the follicular cells of
    the thyroid gland and used entirely within the thyroid
    gland. (13)

  12. A structure by which two adjacent epithelial cells
    are attached, formed from protein plaques in the cell
    membranes linked by filaments. (10)

  13. A lens in compound microscope that is used to collect
    and focus light on the specimen. (9)

  14. The scientist who discovered Kappa particles in Paramecium. (9)

  15. Alternate name of fermentation. (7)


Puzzle Mania

1 2

5 6 7










Readers can send their responses at [email protected] or post us with complete address by 10th of every month to win exciting prizes.
Names of correct entries will be published in next issue.

AI am a red or brown respiratory pigment present in coelomic fluid in certain sea urchins.

C I am a type of hallucinogenic drug that is derived from cactus.


I am a process by which the genetic material carried by an individual cell is altered by the incorporation of foreign
DNA into its genome.

E I am the smallest angiospermic parasite commonly known as “dwarf mistletoes”.

I obtained proteinoid microspheres by heating a mixture of dry amino acids to 130 – 180°C and later cooling them in


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