Popular Mechanics - USA (2022-05 & 2022-06)

(Maropa) #1




F, WHEN I WAS A BOY, someone
had told me that I would be a maga-
zine editor when I was grown up,
I would’ve probably given them a
strange, confused look. While English
was definitely one of my favourite
subjects, I never considered a career
in media or working on magazines. I was
obsessed with sport, and I think all I really
wanted to do was play county cricket in
England, and then represent South Africa
playing for the Proteas.
I also loved animals, so a plan B was to
maybe become a vet, or perhaps a game
ranger... Which young person in South
Africa doesn’t dream of one day being a
game ranger?
I didn’t quite make it to the top level of
cricket, I didn’t have the heart, stomach,
or grades to become a vet, and I quickly
realised that being nice to tourists all the
time wasn’t one of my character strengths,
so game ranging was out of the question.
My trajectory into the world of magazines
was unexpected and a little unintentional,
but I soon realised how much I enjoyed
the work, and how it suited my personality.
And here I am, almost 18 years later, having
enjoyed a career that’s taken me along many
of the back routes of Southern Africa, on
several overseas trips, exposed me to the
most interesting people, and given me the
opportunity to drive hundreds of new cars,
and try out countless clever gadgets, devices,
power tools and inventions.
Another thing my job as editor of Popular
Mechanics has shown me is there are more
professions out there than I could ever have
imagined. I look at my younger friends
today and marvel at the types of work they
do – their occupations most definitely
never occurred to me when I was younger.
This issue’s short feature on ‘How to be
good at what you do’ focuses on the owner
of a skateboard-making company. His work

4 MAY / JUNE 2022 popularmechanics.co.za

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resonated with me, because it also entails
creating something tangible, that brings
joy to others. If my work has taught me
anything, it’s that I value being a part
of something that’s worthwhile, that
brings enjoyment to others. I realise
that’s arbitrary, and that ‘worthwhile’ is
subjective, but that doesn’t really matter,
because that’s how I view it. Oh, I also

thrive on the meticulous side of my work,
ensuring a story reads well, and is highly
accurate and grammatically correct.
If you think you do something that’s
a little different, or you simply want to
share the ins and outs of your career
with others, please drop me a note at
[email protected].
I’d love to hear from you.









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