102 Safina M. Musa, Christopher Mulanda Aura and Rodrick Kundu
building. Training and credit should be made available to females along the
aquaculture value chain so that they invest in cooling facility and or value
addition to improve on profits. The existing collateral base credit facility
should be revisited so as to accept startup projects based on the strengths of the
project document incorporating mechanism for credit extension through
holding the project itself as collateral. For optimum fish production in Kenya,
the feed industry must be improved to provide quality and affordable feeds to
fish farmers.
Furthermore, improvement of Knowledge, Information services and
Management (KIM) along the AVC for small-scale farmers (both men and
women) is important for sustainability. It is crucial that this should be
complemented with efforts in raising public awareness on the importance of
fish farming to the overall health and well-being of the country.
The authors state that there is no financial relation with the mentioned
enterprise therein which might lead to conflict of interests among themselves
or between them and the institutions therein. In addition, the authors are purely
trained researchers with the information herein only meant for research
purposes and therefore they account for their output based on research and
information dissemination. In addition, there is no conflict of interests among
all the authors, financier, and the organization herein that could
inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Notably,
the work herein has not been previously published or submitted to another
journal, but only to this journal.
The authors thank all respondents for participating in this study.
Appreciation to Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) for
providing necessary funds and materials required during the study. Besides
always being astonished at the way poor women carry their burdens as home
makers and fish farmers, we acknowledge the inner strength these women
have, to transcend the harshness of daily existence and to affirm life. We have
been inspired by them and desire to be in solidarity with them.