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Safina Musa
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
Education: Msc.
Address: P.O. Box 136-40111, Pap-Onditi, Kenya
Research and Professional Experience: Published 10 international peer-
reviewed journal papers
Professional appointment: Station Co-ordinator
Honors: BSc. Upper class honors
Publication in last three years:
Munguti, J.M. Musa, S. Orina, P.S. Kyule, D.N. Opiyo, M.A. Charo, H.
Ogello, E. (2014). An overview of current status of Kenyan fish feed
industry and feed management practices, challenges and opportunities.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(6):128-137.
Musa, S., Orina, P.S. Aura M.C., Kundu, R., Ogello, E.O., and Munguti, J.M.
(2014). The effects of dietary levels of protein and greenhouse on growth,
behavior and fecundity of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) broodstock.
International Journal of Science and Research 3(10):10.
Musa, S., Aura, M.C. and Kundu R. (2014). Wild-caught fish versus
aquaculture fish products: a fish marketing concept for aquaculture quality
improvement, a case study of Nyanza Region, Kenya. International
Journal of Science and Research 3(9):7.
Musa, S., Aura M.C., Ogello, E.O., Omondi, R., Charo-Karisa and Munguti,
J.M. (2013). Haematological Response of African Catfish (Clarias
gariepinus Burchell 1822) Fingerlings Exposed to Different
Concentrations of Tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum) Leaf Dust. ISRN