The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

(Michael S) #1

Seeds of Hierarchy 243

3 - 6. The expanded version of Darwin's figure, drawn in preparation for the long version, Natural
Selection, that was never published because Darwin hurried to complete the shorter Origin of
Species after receiving Wallace's manuscript. This version was not published until 1975 (see
Stauffer, 1975). Here, Darwin shows us how the expectation of enhanced success for extreme
variants within each fan, as predicted by his Principle of Divergence, will lead to trends (upper
part of diagram); whereas random survival of variants (lower part of diagram) yields no trend
and no ecological expansion. See text for details.

of each fan. The trend to diversification halts in the random regime. The final
products need not become any more distinct than the initial parents (f^10 , h^10 , and l^10
lie right under ancestor A, while m^10 does not differ from parental M). On the other
hand, differential survival of extremes within the fans will produce trends (also
seen in Fig. 3-6). Darwin writes of the second diagram

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