Internalism and Laws of Form 297
of assuring that existence? And why could He not vary His materials and His
instruments? Certain laws of coexistence of organs were therefore necessary, but
that was all. For to establish others there must have been a want of freedom in the
action of the organizing principle, which we have shown to be only a chimera" (in
Appel, 1987, p. 138).
Cuvier, a severe rationalist (see Fig. 4-10 for an interesting and previously
unpublished illustration of Cuvier's rationalism and hostility to florid metaphor),
4 - 10. A remarkable note, written by Cuvier in his own hand, and indicating how much this
rationalist thinker rejected and ridiculed silly metaphorical uses of poetic imagery as a substitute
for rigor, or for saying anything of real substance. Here Cuvier jotted down two such fatuous and
metaphorical uses of "sphere"—obviously stored away for later use in satire or ridicule.
(Author's collection.)
Definition of life by M. Virey. Life is a circular movement, sustained and measured by
time; time, that infinite sphere, of which God alone is the center, and where living beings are
placed on the circumference, describing in their rapid orbit, the circle of their destiny.
Definition of poetry by Mme. de Stael. Poetry is the winged mediator, which moves distant
nations and ancient times in a sublime sphere where admiration takes the place of sympathy.