Squirrels of the World

(Rick Simeone) #1
Menetes berdmorei 173

M. b. consularis—southern Yunnan (China) and western
Thailand. It lacks all of the dark lines except the one lat-
eral line between the two white stripes, and this may
also be seasonally absent. The venter is yellowish white.
M. b. decoratus—between the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers
(Myanmar). The general body color is olive, with the
mid-dorsal black stripe and the lateral black stripes being
M. b. moerescens—southern Vietnam. The general body color
is olive brown, with the mid-dorsal black stripe and the
lateral dark stripes being prominent, but providing less of
a contrast with the body color than in M. b. decoratus.
M. b. mouhotei—eastern Thailand, southern Laos, and Cam-

bodia. The dorsum is grizzled gray brown, with one dark
lateral stripe between the two whitish stripes. The ven-
ter is white.
M. b. peninsularis—peninsular Thailand, south of the Isth-
mus of Kra. It has very prominent black stripes.
M. b. pyrrocephalus—southern Vietnam. The general body
color is brown tinted with black; the black midline stripe
is not very prominent, and it fades out completely over the
shoulders and toward the tail. A lateral dusky brown stripe
is bordered above and below by yellowish white stripes.

conservation: IUCN status—least concern. Population

habitat: This is a ground squirrel of savanna and forest
habitats. It is generally found in dry forests and scrublands,
but it is also seen in dense rainforests.

natural history: No information is available.

general references: Cao et al. 1986; Mackenzie 1929;
Murphy and Phan 2002; Van Peenen et al. 1970.

Menetes berdmorei consularis. Photo courtesy A. Coke Smith,

Menetes berdmorei. Photo courtesy Phung my Trung, www

Menetes berdmorei berdmorei. Photo courtesy Alex Vargas,
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