Squirrels of the World

(Rick Simeone) #1
184 Sundasciurus davensis

size: Male—HB 198.0 mm; T 182.0 mm.

distribution: S. davensis is known only from the type lo-
cality: on Min da nao Island (Philippines).

geographic variation: None.

conservation: IUCN status—data defi cient. Population
trend—no information.

habitat: No information is available.

natural history: No information is available.

general references: Chiozza 2008b.

Sundasciurus fraterculus (Thomas, 1895)

Fraternal Squirrel

description: This dull-colored species has a general color-
ation of fi ne grizzled brownish rufous on the upperparts,
hands, feet, and the entire tail. There is more rufous on the
cheeks and the thighs. The hairs of the underparts are slaty
gray at the base and pale rufous white on the terminal ends.
S. fraterculus most closely resembles S. tenuis, but the former
may be distinguished by its smaller size and more uniform

size: Female—HB 116.3 mm; T 78.6 mm.
Male—HB 119.1 mm; T 75.1 mm.

distribution: This squirrel is found on the Indonesian is-
lands of Siberut, Sipora, and North and South Pagai (west of

geographic variation: None.

conservation: IUCN status—endangered. Population

habitat: No information is available.

natural history: No information is available.

general references: Helgen and Aplin 2008.

Sundasciurus hippurus (I. Geoff roy, 1831)
Horse-Tailed Squirrel

description: On the Malay Peninsula, the head, shoul-
ders, and sides are speckled black and gray; the back is
bright chestnut; the underparts are deep brick red; and the
tail is very thick, bushy, and entirely glossy black. On the
island of Borneo (divided among Malaysia, Brunei Darus-
salam, and Indonesia), the upperparts are reddish brown,
with a gray head and shoulders.


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