Squirrels of the World

(Rick Simeone) #1
Sundasciurus mindanensis 189

conservation: IUCN status—least concern. Population

habitat: This species is a scansorial inhabitant of lowland
tall and secondary dipterocarp forests. A squirrel of the
whole forest, S. lowii is frequently active in the under-
growth, brushwood, and fallen branches; only occasionally
is it found high in the trees. On the Malay Peninsula it is
found in the lowlands and foothills, at elevations up to at
least 914 m, where it is widespread but nowhere common.
On the island of Borneo (divided among Malaysia, Brunei
Darussalam, and Indonesia), this squirrel occurs principally
in lowland forests, usually at elevations below 900 m, but it
is also recorded at up to 1400 m in the hills of the Kelabit
Highlands (Sarawak, Malaysia).

natural history: This squirrel is diurnal, most active in
the early morning and late afternoon. It feeds predomi-
nantly on bark, but its diet also includes fruits, insects, and
fungi. It travels and feeds in small standing trees, in fallen
trees, and on the ground. It makes nests of plant fi ber, simi-
lar to those of large treeshrews (Tu p ai a t an a), and it also
nests in t ree hol lows. Lit ter size is t wo to t hree, wit h a mea n
of 2.3 (n = 4). On the island of Borneo (divided among Malay-
sia, Brunei Darussalam, and Indonesia), fi ve nests of S. lowii
were observed. Of these, one was reported to be subterra-
nean, with an entrance hole 6 cm in diameter. Another two
were in tree cavities: one in an emergent tree at a height of
2 m, with nest material of leaves and plant fi bers inside; the
other in a stump at a height of 0.5 m. Two nests consisted of
balls of woven plant fi bers and leaves, 10–15 cm in diameter,
at heights of 2 and 3.5 m between branches of palms.

general references: J. B. Payne 1980; Medway 1977.

Sundasciurus mindanensis (Steere, 1890)
Mindanao Squirrel

description: The upperparts and tail are dark gray. The
hair is black at the base, buff y in the middle, and then black
at the tip. The mid-dorsal region is darker. The thighs and the
dorsal surface of the feet are rufous gray. The nose and the
eye region are rufous. The body and the lower surface of
the legs are ashy.

size: Female—HB 200.5 mm; T 191.1 mm.
Male—HB 203.3 mm; T 191.0 mm.
Sex not stated—HB 193.7 mm; T 171.6 mm; Mass 285.0 g.

distribution: This species is found on the island of Min-
da nao and on adjacent small islands (Philippines).

geographic variation: None.

conservation: IUCN status—least concern. Population
trend—no information.

habitat: No information is available.

natural history: No information is available.

general references: Chiozza 2008c.

Sundasciurus lowii. Photo courtesy Morten Strange.

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