Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis

(coco) #1


5 Monte Carlo model of a block
5 The user can specify the block base (square) and the
5 Monte Carlo model of an equilateral prism
5 The user can specify the edge of the triangle and the
length of the prism (. Figs. 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19,
17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.25, 17.26, 17.27,
and 17.28).

Each simulation mode takes different parameters to config-
ure the sample geometry. This page is for the simulation of a
cube which requires two materials (substrate and cube), the
dimensions of the cube and the sample rotation.
The sample rotation parameter is available for all modes
for which are not rotationally invariant. The best way to
understand the sample rotation parameter is to imagine
rotating the sample about the optic axis at the point on the

sample at which the beam intersects (. Figs. 17.29, 17.30,
and 17.31).
All the models require you to specify at least one material.
The material editor (described elsewhere) allows you to spec-
ify the material. Since the density is a critical parameter, you
must specify it (. Fig. 17.32).
Simulations are designed to model the spectra you could
collect on your instrument with your detector. By default, the
simulation “instrument configuration” page assumes that
you want to simulate the “default detector” as specified on the
main “Spectrum” tab. However, you can specify a different
instrument, detector and calibration if you desire.
You also need to specify an incident beam energy. This is
the kinetic energy with which the electrons strike the sample
and is specified in kilo-electronvolts (keV).
The probe dose determines the relative intensity in the
spectrum. Probe dose is specified in nano-amp seconds

1.44 μm × 1.44 μm

Cu K-L3

1.26E0 Emission

1.81 μm × 1.81 μm

. Fig. 17.16 Bulk, homogeneous material

1.62 μm × 1.62 μm

1.06E0 Emission

Zn K-L3 2.03 μm × 2.03 μm

. Fig. 17.17 Thin film on substrate. Parameters: film thickness

Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software
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