the developed world is responsible for conditions that have led to the impending
global warming crisis; (2) combustion of fossil fuel remains the most cost effective
means of developing an economy, especially if harmful environmental effects of
pollutants are not considered. For the developing world to pursue other means of
developing their economies, advocates of the climate rent concept would argue this
route should be supported, both financially and via technology, by the developed
world. Only an agreement perceived to be equitable by all participants can result in
the strict limits on the future use of fossil fuel that will be needed to avoid dire
effects of global warming.
The Paris Climate Agreement will utilize the Green Climate Fund (GCF),^16
which was established in 2010 to assist developing countries improve their standard
of living in a climate friendly manner.^17 As of time of writing, the GCF had raised
(^16) The resources of the Green Climate Fund can be followed at:
(^17) The Paris Climate Agreement mentions two additional sources to assist the transition, the Least
Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund. Neither are nearly as well
Fig. 4.8 Population and night lights, Europe and India. Same as Fig. 4.6, except these two regions
have been enlarged, for visual clarity
4 Implementation