Genes, Brains, and Human Potential The Science and Ideology of Intelligence

(sharon) #1

light on the origins and nature of individual diff erences in social groups,
some of which were hinted at by Charles Darwin himself.
Such new perspective is especially impor tant for understanding
human evolution. Chapter  9 describes how humans evolved especially
close forms of group dynamics, resulting in a new “layer” of regulation,
namely, human culture. Much of the chapter goes on to describe the epoch-
making fecundity of that unique intelligent system, explaining why
humans adapt the world to themselves, when all other species are locked
in to specifi c niches.
Th roughout these chapters, I draw out implications for the understand-
ing of individual diff erences. Th at is particularly the case when I turn, in
chapter 10, to considering how to promote human potential, and contrast
the emerging dynamical framework with traditional “input- output” mod-
els of causes and interventions (and why those have been disappointing).
As with chapter 11, where I bring the same perspective to bear on schooling
and education, the implications for policy are stark and far reaching.


Integrating such a wide spectrum of research has been a necessary, but
also a thrilling, trail to follow, and I hope readers will share some of that
excitement. It would not have been pos si ble without the thoughts and
inspiration of the many ideas- makers I have had the plea sure of encoun-
tering along the way, either in person, or by other means. Th ey are too
numerous to list, here, but I hope their presence in these pages and the
nature of the product will refl ect my gratitude. Th e following, however,
took time out from their own busy schedules to read draft s of the pres ent
work and off er extremely helpful comment and feedback: Claudia Chau-
fan, Jonathan Latham, Robert Lickliter, Mike Jones, Jay Joseph, Richard
Lerner, David Moore, Sarah Norgate, Steven Rose, and Allison Wilson. My
partner Susan Richardson has been a patient and supportive ally through-
out the proj ect, and Brian Richardson helped with some of the diagrams.
I am grateful to all of them for helping me turn a rough draft into a
more readable and coherent product. If it still is not, the responsibility is
entirely my own.

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